--- Log opened Sat Jul 13 00:00:18 2024
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01:22 < waks> Hi, I'm trying to setup both php and auto index on httpd (https://man.openbsd.org/httpd.conf#directory). The httpd.conf manual says that I can specify multiple options which implies I can have both auto index and manually specify an index but that doesn't seem to work. If I have both enabled, auto index only works if I remove the index.php line.
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01:50 < Tingo> waks: if you will specify.. directory index "index.php".. it will auto pick index.php for show.. if you don't specify any index file then it will show you list of files/direcotries..
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01:52 < waks> Tingo, I understand this but I want both functionality, I want it to pick index.php by default, but if it is not found I want it to generate a file/directory index. As I understand it, the manual says this is possible, but it's not working for me.
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01:57 < Tingo> by default it will show you directory list if it doesnt found index.html or index.php.. you can rename index.php to else name test.php it will show you list of fils/directories..
01:59 < waks> That's not the behaviour I'm seeing. I see Access Denied whenever I travel to a directory which doesn't contain an index.php. If I instead set "directory auto index" and remove "directory index index.php", then the directory shows a list.
02:03 -!- Maylay [~gren@108-198-59-230.lightspeed.miamfl.sbcglobal.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
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02:58 < rnkn> I'm finding it very un-OpenBSD that using openrsync locally requires `openrsync --rsync-path=openrsync` and that the examples in the manual use "rsync"
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03:11 < jrmu> rnkn: what I did was # ln /home/$USER/usr/bin/openrsync /home/$USER/usr/bin/rsync
03:11 < jrmu> err one sec let me fix that
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03:11 < jrmu> rnkn: what I did was # ln /usr/bin/openrsync /usr/bin/rsync
03:11 < jrmu> it was quite nice because I found you could chroot openrsync pretty easily
03:12 < rnkn> jrmu: yeh that seems logical, I had asked previously if that was the recommended thing and was told no :shrug:
03:12 < jrmu> this was what I setup https://wiki.ircnow.org/index.php?n=Openrsync.Chroot
03:12 < jrmu> worked really well for me at replacing rsync
03:12 < jrmu> the only one thing I haven't tested was more rsync clients
03:12 < jrmu> I only tested with standard rsync
03:14 < rnkn> jrmu: what's your reason for chrooting sshd users?
03:15 < jrmu> I wanted to offer general purpose file storage for untrusted users
03:15 < jrmu> I didn't really want them to poke around
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03:16 < rnkn> curious, are you using block storage or object storage?
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03:17 < jrmu> on our own hard disks
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05:03 < benrc6> I installed my firmware from a usb drive but my ax210 wifi isn't working and dmesg says the following: "iwx0: could not read firmware iwx-ty-a0-gf-a0-77 (error 2)" "iwx0: failed to load init firmware"
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08:25 < rnkn> anyone know why these httpd location matches would keep giving 404s? https://rnkn.xyz/pb/a76y
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08:36 < moviuro> hi all, still stuck on relayd.conf(5) where I can't forward matched requests to a server of my choosing: https://x0.at/DPU6.conf
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09:51 < rnkn> okay I'm pretty convinced that request rewrite in httpd is broken
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09:53 < rnkn> this minimal example reliably causes a 500 internal server error: https://rnkn.xyz/pb/a76y
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09:58 < quinq> rnkn, do you have a /var/www/htdocs/u/rnkn directory?
09:58 < rnkn> quinq: I do
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09:59 < rnkn> I've also made hello world index.html files in every directory just to be sure
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10:01 < quinq> What if you rewrite it to /rnkn/index.html instead?
10:02 < rnkn> quinq: that worked! wtf
10:03 < moviuro> turns out in relayd.conf(5):RELAYS, forward to
[port port] options ... <- is a lie. [port port] is actually mandatory on 7.5. https://x0.at/m9cH.conf
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10:06 < quinq> rnkn, my theory is that you're asking to rewrite the URL to a directory, but HTTP doesn't serve directories, it serves files.
10:06 < quinq> You might have to separate the auto index directive into its own location {} for /rnkn
10:06 < quinq> (worth a try)
10:09 < rnkn> my goal is to map /~USER to /htdocs/u/USER, so I can't rewrite for every .html file
10:10 < rnkn> this is just bizarre
10:13 < quinq> That's not what I suggested though
10:15 < rnkn> quinq: okay sorry
10:16 < quinq> No problem :)
10:16 < rnkn> I've removed the directory auto index, I don't mind about that
10:17 < rnkn> but I don't understand why I need to map to index.html, and this seems to prevent other URLs
10:17 < quinq> That was rather to try debugging the issue, I don't think that's actually a viable solution, as you pointed out
10:18 < rnkn> wow, I didn't expect that
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10:19 < quinq> Having another independant location with the auto index for the rewrite doesn't seem to be working
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10:22 < quinq> It might be worth asking on the misc mailing list if that's expected behavior and what's the expected way to handling this use-case (that looks legit)
10:23 < quinq> Well
10:24 < quinq> Actually I'm not sure what's your target model
10:24 < quinq> But you might very well just “transpose” the request
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10:24 < quinq> like location match "/u/(.*)" { request rewrite "/rnkn/%1" }
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10:37 < quinq> rnkn, maybe worse case, you could have a first rule that manually does what auto index does
10:37 < thyssentishman> rnkn: doesn't the rewrite need to be the other way around?
10:38 < thyssentishman> I mean you want that ~USER is mapped to /u/USER (the actually existing directory)
10:38 < quinq> like location match "^/u/(.*)/" { request rewrite "/rnkn/%1/index.html" }
10:38 < thyssentishman> so you should match for ~USER and rewrite to /u/USER no?
10:39 < rnkn> thyssentishman: I'm trying both for debugging, in case the ~ is the problem
10:39 < rnkn> but so far it's all gone wrong
10:39 < quinq> Sorry, rather "^/([^/]*)/"
10:40 < rnkn> I mean even `location match "/u/(.*)" { request rewrite "/%1" }` causes a 500 error so I'm pretty convinced this is a bug
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10:40 < quinq> Yeah, the problem right now is not the redirection semantics
10:41 < quinq> You could rebuild httpd with debug messages, might be useful
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10:42 < sibiria> just making sure: you do know that httpd's "patterns" are not regexp complete?
10:42 < sibiria> it uses the lua pattern matching thingy
10:42 < sibiria> ...ish
10:43 < sibiria> in case you're using some typical regexp semantic
10:43 < thyssentishman> does `location match "^/~(.*)$"` and `request rewrite "/u/%1" not work?
10:43 < thyssentishman> rnkn: ^
10:43 < thyssentishman> and just to make sure, you are restarting the httpd daemon after every change to httpd.conf yes?
10:45 < quinq> I'm also trying on my side, I confirm what rnkn observes
10:46 < rnkn> thyssentishman: reloading and restarting
10:46 < thyssentishman> so the `directory auto index` doesn't get triggered after rewrite?
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10:46 < rnkn> I've removed the directory auto index for debugging
10:47 < thyssentishman> what if you put that before the rewrite rule? maybe outside the block, directly under the server block?
10:48 < sibiria> you will need a slash there as well
10:49 < sibiria> the path will always be e.g. /~sibiria/(.*)
10:49 < quinq> I'm testing with: location match "^/~([^/]+)(.*)" { request rewrite "/u/%1/%2" }
10:49 < sibiria> without your terminating path you will pick that up as part of the username
10:49 < sibiria> terminating slash*
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10:50 < quinq> Getting 500 for anything that doesn't request explicitely a file
10:51 < rnkn> sibiria: 500 internal server error
10:51 < rnkn> but even with directory auto index it's still 500
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10:54 < quinq> This works for me:
10:55 < quinq> location match "^/~([^/]+)/?$" { request rewrite "/u/%1/index.html" }
10:55 < quinq> location match "^/~([^/]+)(.*)" { request rewrite "/u/%1/%2" }
10:55 < quinq> That's a bit ad-hoc, but :/
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10:55 < quinq> Also, it doesn't actually match if the target file doesn't exist on disk, it just passes to the next rule, which isn't great either imo
10:56 < quinq> Hummm, with another: location match "/u/*" { pass } that fixes it
10:57 < quinq> (rather "/u/%1%2" for the second location)
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11:00 < sibiria> it's a problem that the httpd doesn't re-evaluate after the rewrite, like nginx and apache will do
11:00 < sibiria> or, well, it's barebones-y
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11:01 < quinq> Yeah, the rewrite rule wasn't really favored in intially ("that's something that relayd should do") and I suppose that the implementation is limited
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11:02 < quinq> Although the man-page says it would do this (maybe a bit ambiguous): “this will change the request path internally before httpd makes a final decision about the matching location.”
11:03 < quinq> But it doesn't, maybe that's where the 500 comes from?
11:03 < quinq> Well, I mean maybe it does *try* to but bugs out and returns a 500
11:07 < xse> had to use that kind of { pass } before when 'location not found match "^/(.*)" { request rewrite "/%1.html" }' made "/" error
11:08 < rnkn> I'm just looking at relayd.conf(5) but it's complex for what I want to do
11:08 < quinq> Yeah
11:09 < rnkn> I've emailed misc
11:09 < quinq> nice
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16:55 < benrc6> I installed WiFi firmware from a USB drive but it fails to load despite being installed. Here is the output of dmesg | grep iwx: iwx0: could not read firmware iwx-ty-a0-gf-a0-77 (error 2)
16:55 < benrc6> iwx0: failed to load init firmware
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17:16 < l0rd_hex> benrc6: I'm browsing the source and it looks like that error is from loadfirmware(), going to see if error 2 is explained
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22:34 < Tingo> strange thing.. i did $ doas pkg_add vim and then selected vim-9.1.139-no_x11 and then also $ doas pkg_check vim-9.1.139-no_x11 .. all are showing OK regarding Depencies.. but still vim: can't load library 'libsodium.so.10.1'
22:34 < Tingo> ?
22:35 < phy1729> Try pkg_add -u
22:35 < Tingo> it didn't install libsodium .. ?
22:35 < phy1729> (Assuming you're on current, libsodium.so seems to be at 10.2 now)
22:35 < Tingo> still staying..
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22:37 < Tingo> hmm.. btw i have seen very close that #pkg_add -u was telling about libsodium-1.0.19
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22:39 < Tingo> pkg_info -m is showing libsodium-1.0.19
22:39 < phy1729> Are you on stable or current?
22:41 < Tingo> stable.. 7.5
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22:51 < Tingo> ok, fixed it..
22:51 < Tingo> by re-installing libsodium
22:53 < Tingo> btw.. have to use ldconfig command carefully, it can easily messed up things :)
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22:56 < Lucas> why you needed to use ldconfig?
22:56 < Tingo> #ldconfig -r will show that which ld.so files are linked or not..
22:58 < Tingo> if i mistakenly enter only #ldconfig with out any option.. then ready for messed up :)
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23:23 < Tingo> can we Un-Install Openbsd HTTPD Package ?
23:24 < phy1729> If you mean the httpd in base, no things in base aren't packaged
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23:25 < Tingo> hmm.. i see its in base .. ok then we can not..
23:28 < quinq> You can still remove the binary if you insist
23:28 < phy1729> If you start hacking away at base, you get to keep the pieces though
23:30 < Tingo> quinq: how can we remove its binary ?
23:31 < phy1729> rm
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23:33 < Tingo> k
23:34 < quinq> Though as phy1729 said, that's not really recommended, as in there's little reason to do so
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23:44 < Tingo> just asking.. i will not delete it.. just disable its service (rcctll disable httpd), if want to check other (Nginx,ApacheHTTPD)
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23:49 < quinq> :)
23:52 < Tingo> i noticed that majority is using in httpd.conf for php.. location "*.php*" { fastcgi socket "/run/php-fpm.sock" } .. whats this meant "*.php*" instead of just "*.php" ?
23:52 < Tingo> it doesnt meant file: test.php.html ?
23:52 < jordanreger> i think it allows query parameters to be passed but i could be totally wrong
23:53 < Tingo> here its also using it .. https://www.openbsdhandbook.com/howto/wordpress/
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