--- Log opened Mon Oct 21 00:00:04 2024 00:00 < vortexx> 6.7 installer crashes at boot 00:01 -!- gatlinggoat [~njd@] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 00:02 < vortexx> 6.8 installer boots 00:07 < vortexx> going to just use sysupgrade from 6.6 and see if that's enough 00:14 -!- xzdx [~xzdx@user/XZDX] has joined #openbsd 00:15 -!- popopoooo [~root@] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 00:16 -!- mns [~mns@user/mns] has left #openbsd [Leaving] 00:18 -!- xzdx [~xzdx@user/XZDX] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 00:23 -!- sinvet [sinvet@user/sinvet] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 00:30 < robertkeizer> Noticed that restarting iked ( rcctl restart iked ) will clear the entire security association database and result in bgpd dropping a peer with tcp md5 set ( showing up as "neighbor <...neighbor idents...> write error: Operation not permitted" message in /var/log/daemon and " state change Established -> Idle, reason: Fatal error" and similar. I'm assuming this is expected 00:31 < robertkeizer> behaviour.. figured I'd mention in case someone went "oh, that's an easy fix, just do X" or similar. 00:34 < vortexx> ok 6.7 won't boot at all 00:34 < vortexx> be it bsd or bsd.rd 00:40 < zayd> oh forgot i was installing 7.4 00:44 < vortexx> I sysupgraded to 6.7 so I can install 6.8 over it and probably sysmerge safely 00:49 < vortexx> 6.8 doesn't have atapi timeout inssues on install 00:53 < zayd> 7.4 got stuck on Welcome to OpenBIOS 00:54 < vortexx> 6.8 is having an issue halting after install 00:55 < zayd> rebooted and it does the same thing but says "Type 'help' for detailed information" in the next line 00:55 < zayd> non interactive 00:56 < vortexx> yeah it's not booting then 01:00 < vortexx> 6.8 is booting ok 01:11 < vortexx> trying 6.9 sysupgrade 01:19 < vortexx> 6.9 sysupgrade is getting pciide timeouts 01:20 < vortexx> going to do iso upgrade 01:23 -!- gatlinggoat [~njd@] has joined #openbsd 01:23 < zayd> i find it weird that all of the ones i've tried have different but similar problems 01:27 -!- duri [~mduregon@70-59-132-77.ptld.qwest.net] has quit [Quit: leaving] 01:27 < vortexx> 6.9 has the atapi issue, going to try http 01:27 < vortexx> zayd: I doubt qemu-system-sparc64 is a test platform, so no it's not 01:28 < zayd> fair 01:29 -!- duri [~mduregon@97-120-134-26.ptld.qwest.net] has joined #openbsd 01:46 < vortexx> 6.9 installs from http 01:46 -!- nawcom [~nawcom@bulldadachat.com] has joined #openbsd 02:09 < vortexx> 6.9 boots, trying to sysupgrade 02:10 -!- macabro [~user@user/monkey/x-0691028] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 02:17 -!- Aedil [~adrian@] has joined #openbsd 02:19 < vortexx> 7.0 sysupgrade has the same pciide timeoouts 02:21 -!- mcornick [fca145cfd2@user/mcornick] has left #openbsd [WeeChat 4.4.2] 02:23 < vortexx> 7.0 iso doesn't even boot 02:23 < vortexx> going to 7.1 02:30 < zayd> looks like all of 7.x might be messed up 02:32 < vortexx> zayd: how far back did you get? 02:33 < vortexx> 7.1 install boots but I'm getting ne0 timeouts on http install 02:33 < vortexx> oh and pciide ones too :/ 02:33 -!- sjg [~sjg@user/sjg] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 02:35 -!- sjg [~sjg@user/sjg] has joined #openbsd 02:37 -!- UDENIX [~UDENIX@user/udenix] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 02:37 -!- UDENIX [~UDENIX@user/udenix] has joined #openbsd 02:41 -!- seninha [~seninha@user/seninha] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 02:41 < vortexx> partial 7.1 boots 02:41 < vortexx> going to extract sets over it 02:48 -!- seninha [~seninha@user/seninha] has joined #openbsd 02:53 -!- zip100 [~zip100@] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 02:55 -!- zip100 [~zip100@] has joined #openbsd 03:00 -!- xzdx [~xzdx@user/XZDX] has joined #openbsd 03:05 -!- xzdx [~xzdx@user/XZDX] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 03:06 < vortexx> 7.1 doesn't do pciide timeouts when extracting sets manually, at least 03:06 -!- RypPn [~RypPn@user/ryppn] has quit [Quit: Real-time updating is paused. (Resume)] 03:06 < vortexx> sysupgrade to 7.2 next 03:12 -!- seninha [~seninha@user/seninha] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 03:34 < vortexx> 7.2 sysupgrade failed, trying cdrom 03:39 -!- mxz__ [~mxz@user/mxz] has joined #openbsd 03:39 -!- mxz_ [~mxz@user/mxz] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 03:39 -!- mxz [~mxz@user/mxz] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 03:40 -!- mxz__ is now known as mxz 03:47 < vortexx> 7.2 upgraded cleanly from cdrom 03:48 < ssm_> vortexx: what are you doing? 03:49 < vortexx> ssm_: trying to find which release broke sparc64 boot in qemu 03:49 < ssm_> I see 03:49 < vortexx> 7.6 is unbootable post install 03:50 -!- znedw08 [~znedw@home.znedw.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 03:54 < vortexx> 7.2 boots 04:03 -!- chaky [~chaky@] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 04:05 -!- ivdsangen [~ivo@86-95-161-96.fixed.kpn.net] has joined #openbsd 04:05 -!- chaky [~chaky@93-140-190-114.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #openbsd 04:09 -!- zimmer [~zimmer@user/zimmer] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 04:14 < vortexx> 7.3 upgrades cleanly from sysupgrade 04:14 < vortexx> will resume tomorrow 04:18 -!- xzdx [~xzdx@user/XZDX] has joined #openbsd 04:20 -!- chasmo77 [~chas77@c-76-105-254-179.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has quit [Quit: It's just that easy] 04:23 -!- xzdx [~xzdx@user/XZDX] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 04:32 -!- znedw08 [~znedw@2400:a846:4040::f61] has joined #openbsd 04:34 -!- znedw08 [~znedw@2400:a846:4040::f61] has quit [Client Quit] 04:34 -!- znedw08 [~znedw@2400:a846:4040::f61] has joined #openbsd 04:38 -!- popopoooo [~root@] has joined #openbsd 04:41 -!- billchenchina- [~billchenc@2a0d:2580:ff0c:1:e3c9:c52b:a429:5bfe] has joined #openbsd 04:48 -!- chilledfrogs [~chilledfr@rsa59-h05-176-133-210-176.dsl.sta.abo.bbox.fr] has joined #openbsd 05:02 -!- euphores [~SASL_euph@user/euphores] has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 05:05 -!- gatlinggoat [~njd@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 05:06 -!- horrad [~Thunderbi@p50989fe8.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #openbsd 05:08 -!- beastie [~luis@user/thebeastie] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 05:09 -!- krl [~krl@h-155-4-221-200.NA.cust.bahnhof.se] has joined #openbsd 05:12 -!- krl_ [~krl@h-155-4-221-200.NA.cust.bahnhof.se] has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 05:15 < radhitya> good luck vortexx 05:16 -!- euphores [~SASL_euph@user/euphores] has joined #openbsd 05:16 -!- ZLima12 [~zlima12@user/meow/ZLima12] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 05:17 -!- ZLima12 [~zlima12@user/meow/ZLima12] has joined #openbsd 05:20 -!- euphores [~SASL_euph@user/euphores] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 05:21 -!- SiFuh_ [~SiFuh@user/sifuh] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 05:21 -!- SiFuh_ [~SiFuh@user/sifuh] has joined #openbsd 05:22 -!- vampiredamewood [~vdamewood@fedora/vdamewood] has quit [Quit: My Mac has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…] 05:24 -!- adig [~default@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 05:25 -!- extrowerk [~extrowerk@1F2EFF8D.nat.pool.telekom.hu] has quit [Quit: Bye!] 05:26 -!- billchenchina- [~billchenc@2a0d:2580:ff0c:1:e3c9:c52b:a429:5bfe] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 05:27 -!- popopoooo [~root@] has quit [Quit: Lost terminal] 05:28 -!- euphores [~SASL_euph@user/euphores] has joined #openbsd 05:41 -!- solarsparq [~quassel@] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 05:45 -!- mxz_ [~mxz@user/mxz] has joined #openbsd 05:47 -!- pstef [~pstef@user/pstef] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 05:47 -!- bpye [~bpye@user/bpye] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 05:56 -!- bpye [~bpye@user/bpye] has joined #openbsd 06:00 -!- euphores [~SASL_euph@user/euphores] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 06:00 -!- Night-Shade [~Tim@] has quit [Quit: Textual IRC Client: www.textualapp.com] 06:00 -!- solarsparq [~quassel@] has joined #openbsd 06:02 -!- toxic063 [~toxic0@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 06:07 -!- UDENIX [~UDENIX@user/udenix] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 06:10 -!- man1k [~man1k@] has quit [Quit: Client closed] 06:10 < IcePic> vortexx: how old hw is it that it comes with a ne(4) interface? 06:12 -!- UDENIX [~UDENIX@user/udenix] has joined #openbsd 06:21 -!- shiranaihito_ [~shiranaih@2001:fb1:7c:79ef:4984:115:3404:40e3] has joined #openbsd 06:23 -!- euphores [~SASL_euph@user/euphores] has joined #openbsd 06:32 -!- ForeverNoob[m] [~ForeverNo@user/ForeverNoobm:35570] has quit [Quit: bye (for now?)] 06:32 -!- euphores [~SASL_euph@user/euphores] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 06:35 -!- euphores [~SASL_euph@user/euphores] has joined #openbsd 06:38 -!- mijndert [~mijndert@user/mijndert] has joined #openbsd 06:44 -!- ForeverNoob[m] [~ForeverNo@user/ForeverNoobm:35570] has joined #openbsd 06:49 < tercal> Running OpenBSD 7.3 on one of my mail servers, while we now have version 7.6 - am I too late for a sysupgrade? (7.3 -> 7.4 -> 7.5 -> 7.6) <- does that sound a bad adventure.. or? 06:52 < IcePic> if you do all the steps you should be fine 06:53 < IcePic> just running sysupgrade would take you one step at a time, and that would be the well-tested path since "everyone else" did that, two years ago upto now 06:56 -!- kfv [~kfv@] has joined #openbsd 07:00 -!- Xe [~cadey@perl/impostor/xe] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 07:11 -!- shiranaihito_ [~shiranaih@2001:fb1:7c:79ef:4984:115:3404:40e3] has quit [Quit: My Mac has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…] 07:11 -!- kfv [~kfv@] has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] 07:13 -!- Xe [~cadey@perl/impostor/xe] has joined #openbsd 07:16 -!- kfv [~kfv@] has joined #openbsd 07:17 -!- toxic063 [~toxic0@] has joined #openbsd 07:19 -!- feriman [~feriman@user/feriman] has joined #openbsd 07:19 -!- xzdx [~xzdx@user/XZDX] has joined #openbsd 07:20 -!- emmanuelux_ [~emmanuelu@user/emmanuelux] has quit [Quit: au revoir] 07:23 -!- frdem [~frdem@] has joined #openbsd 07:23 -!- davlefou [~davlefou@2a01:e0a:5f4:4bd0:5d4d:fe89:5e13:875e] has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] 07:24 -!- xzdx [~xzdx@user/XZDX] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 07:25 -!- kfv [~kfv@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 07:32 -!- sir-photch [~m-hy5poy@static.] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 07:35 -!- euphores [~SASL_euph@user/euphores] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 07:36 -!- davlefou [~davlefou@2a01:e0a:5f4:4bd0:e65f:7e1f:eb68:e89] has joined #openbsd 07:40 -!- ikarso [uid475540@id-475540.tinside.irccloud.com] has joined #openbsd 07:41 -!- euphores [~SASL_euph@user/euphores] has joined #openbsd 07:42 -!- UDENIX [~UDENIX@user/udenix] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 07:50 -!- kroovy [~libera@] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 07:51 -!- danilogondolfo [~danilogon@2a02:8084:4f62:1280:b7b3:a501:c0ed:dbd9] has joined #openbsd 07:56 -!- kroovy [~libera@] has joined #openbsd 07:56 -!- UDENIX [~UDENIX@user/udenix] has joined #openbsd 08:17 -!- b50d [~b50d@] has joined #openbsd 08:30 -!- Rue_ [~rue@111-243-81-154.dynamic-ip.hinet.net] has joined #openbsd 08:37 -!- muirrum96 [~muirrum@sourcehut/user/muirrum] has joined #openbsd 08:38 -!- muirrum9 [~muirrum@sourcehut/user/muirrum] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 08:38 -!- muirrum96 is now known as muirrum9 08:41 -!- muirrum93 [~muirrum@sourcehut/user/muirrum] has joined #openbsd 08:42 -!- muirrum9 [~muirrum@sourcehut/user/muirrum] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 08:42 -!- muirrum93 is now known as muirrum9 08:55 < tercal> Thank you IcePic 09:01 -!- jb1277976 [~joe@user/jb1277976] has joined #openbsd 09:08 -!- b50d [~b50d@] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 09:12 -!- b50d [~b50d@] has joined #openbsd 09:14 -!- Aedil [~adrian@] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 09:15 -!- ol0ck [~quassel@user/ol0ck] has joined #openbsd 09:19 -!- SirJitsu [~SirJitsu@162-231-111-175.lightspeed.livnmi.sbcglobal.net] has quit [Quit: Konversation terminated!] 09:19 -!- SirJitsu [~SirJitsu@162-231-111-175.lightspeed.livnmi.sbcglobal.net] has joined #openbsd 09:24 -!- Xenguy__ [~Xenguy@user/xenguy] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 09:26 -!- feriman [~feriman@user/feriman] has quit [Quit: leaving] 09:26 -!- lavaball [~Melissa@] has joined #openbsd 09:28 -!- feriman [~feriman@user/feriman] has joined #openbsd 09:29 -!- ficonni [~ficonni@] has joined #openbsd 09:37 -!- b50d [~b50d@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 09:37 -!- b50d_ [~b50d@] has joined #openbsd 09:45 -!- style-warning [~style-war@user/style-warning] has joined #openbsd 09:57 -!- sinvet [sinvet@user/sinvet] has joined #openbsd 09:58 -!- noone [~six@user/six] has quit [Quit: nyaa~] 09:59 -!- kroovy [~libera@] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 10:00 -!- seninha [~seninha@user/seninha] has joined #openbsd 10:01 -!- xzdx [~xzdx@user/XZDX] has joined #openbsd 10:03 -!- sinvet [sinvet@user/sinvet] has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 10:03 -!- lavaball [~Melissa@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 10:04 -!- yclept [~yclept@user/yclept] has joined #openbsd 10:05 -!- xzdx [~xzdx@user/XZDX] has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 10:06 -!- sinvet [sinvet@user/sinvet] has joined #openbsd 10:14 -!- kroovy [~libera@] has joined #openbsd 10:28 -!- gman999 [~GMan999@user/gman999] has joined #openbsd 10:35 -!- euphores [~SASL_euph@user/euphores] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 10:38 -!- euphores [~SASL_euph@user/euphores] has joined #openbsd 10:44 < euphores> Hello, after previous snapshot update the system is not stable (kern.version=OpenBSD 7.6-current (GENERIC.MP) #382: Sun Oct 20 22:24:26 MDT 2024 10:44 < euphores> deraadt@amd64.openbsd.org:/usr/src/sys/arch/amd64/compile/GENERIC.MP). When I start firefox I get "panic: mutex 0xfffffd86b02329a0 not held in mtx_leave" and the machine hangs. Waiting for the next snapshot... 10:51 -!- yclept [~yclept@user/yclept] has quit [Quit: nyaa~] 11:13 -!- xzdx [~xzdx@user/XZDX] has joined #openbsd 11:18 -!- xzdx [~xzdx@user/XZDX] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 11:22 -!- scain [~scain@2603:8080:b104:4e00:45cf:678b:a7f:b897] has joined #openbsd 11:25 -!- greybeard [~Adium@user/greybeard] has joined #openbsd 11:29 < byteskeptical> euphores: yup it will be along soon enough 11:35 -!- seninha [~seninha@user/seninha] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 11:36 -!- lavaball [~Melissa@] has joined #openbsd 11:38 -!- mr_ab [~nobody@ab.hl9.net] has quit [Quit: Ping timeout (120 seconds)] 11:39 -!- mr_ab [~nobody@ab.hl9.net] has joined #openbsd 11:39 -!- ficonni [~ficonni@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 11:39 -!- midnight [~midnight@user/midnight] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 11:39 -!- midnight [~midnight@user/midnight] has joined #openbsd 11:41 -!- megawatt [~megawatt@user/megawatt] has joined #openbsd 11:53 -!- mijndert [~mijndert@user/mijndert] has quit [Quit: kbye] 11:53 -!- mijndert [~mijndert@user/mijndert] has joined #openbsd 12:03 -!- CrashOverride [~strcat@p54855b70.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #openbsd 12:11 -!- emigrant [emigrant@user/emigrant] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 12:11 -!- adig [~default@] has joined #openbsd 12:16 -!- emigrant [emigrant@user/emigrant] has joined #openbsd 12:27 -!- hwpplayer1 [~user@user/hwpplayer1] has joined #openbsd 12:28 -!- kroovy [~libera@] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 12:29 -!- hwpplayer1 [~user@user/hwpplayer1] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 12:34 -!- kroovy [~libera@] has joined #openbsd 12:38 -!- skrzyp [skrzyp@irc.skrzyp.net] has joined #openbsd 12:41 -!- euphores [~SASL_euph@user/euphores] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 12:42 -!- euphores [~SASL_euph@user/euphores] has joined #openbsd 12:47 -!- ook [~ook@user/ook] has joined #openbsd 12:49 -!- d-ra [~d-ra@user/d-ra] has joined #openbsd 12:50 -!- elagost [~elagost@user/elagost] has joined #openbsd 12:53 -!- kfv [~kfv@] has joined #openbsd 12:58 -!- RypPn [~RypPn@user/ryppn] has joined #openbsd 13:00 -!- mikewilzn [609e48c489@user/mikewilzn] has joined #openbsd 13:01 -!- Nahual [~Nahual@centos/community/Nahual] has joined #openbsd 13:03 -!- xzdx [~xzdx@user/XZDX] has joined #openbsd 13:07 -!- xzdx [~xzdx@user/XZDX] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 13:14 -!- SiFuh [~SiFuh@user/sifuh] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 13:14 -!- SiFuh [~SiFuh@user/sifuh] has joined #openbsd 13:15 -!- adig [~default@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 13:16 -!- adig [~default@] has joined #openbsd 13:21 -!- Xenguy [~Xenguy@user/xenguy] has quit [Quit: "To play for a draw [...] is to some degree a crime against chess." -- Mikhail Tal] 13:21 -!- macabro [~user@user/monkey/x-0691028] has joined #openbsd 13:24 -!- hwpplayer1 [~user@user/hwpplayer1] has joined #openbsd 13:30 -!- kfv [~kfv@] has quit [Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…] 13:36 -!- kfv [~kfv@ip89.ip-188-165-135.eu] has joined #openbsd 13:37 -!- dastain [~dastain@2a00:d880:6:262::45a3] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 13:37 -!- tf_ [~tf@user/tf] has joined #openbsd 13:38 -!- TaelTydes [~TaelTydes@user/taeltydes] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 13:39 -!- tydes [~tydes@2a03:3b40:fe:809::1] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 13:39 -!- tydes [~tydes@2a03:3b40:fe:809::1] has joined #openbsd 13:39 -!- aretter_ [~quassel@2a01:4f8:10a:3221::256] has quit [Quit: No Ping reply in 180 seconds.] 13:39 -!- tf [~tf@user/tf] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 13:39 -!- eriol [~eriol@debian/eriol] has quit [Quit: No Ping reply in 180 seconds.] 13:40 -!- aretter [~quassel@2a01:4f8:10a:3221::256] has joined #openbsd 13:41 -!- eriol [~eriol@debian/eriol] has joined #openbsd 13:41 -!- dastain [~dastain@] has joined #openbsd 13:42 -!- m0v [~m0v@user/m0v] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 13:45 -!- beastie [~luis@user/thebeastie] has joined #openbsd 13:46 -!- m0v [~m0v@] has joined #openbsd 13:46 -!- m0v [~m0v@] has quit [Changing host] 13:46 -!- m0v [~m0v@user/m0v] has joined #openbsd 13:48 -!- hwpplayer1 [~user@user/hwpplayer1] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 13:50 -!- ficonni [~ficonni@] has joined #openbsd 13:50 -!- m0v [~m0v@user/m0v] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 13:51 -!- m0v [~m0v@] has joined #openbsd 13:51 -!- m0v [~m0v@] has quit [Changing host] 13:51 -!- m0v [~m0v@user/m0v] has joined #openbsd 13:52 -!- TaelTydes [~TaelTydes@user/taeltydes] has joined #openbsd 13:57 -!- user71 [~user71@2001:1530:1000:51a3:27f7:1145:9e0:1313] has joined #openbsd 14:07 -!- kfv_ [~kfv@ip89.ip-188-165-135.eu] has joined #openbsd 14:07 -!- kfv [~kfv@ip89.ip-188-165-135.eu] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 14:07 -!- UDENIX [~UDENIX@user/udenix] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 14:12 -!- euphores [~SASL_euph@user/euphores] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 14:16 -!- kfv_ [~kfv@ip89.ip-188-165-135.eu] has quit [Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…] 14:16 -!- euphores [~SASL_euph@user/euphores] has joined #openbsd 14:19 -!- mover [~hischild@user/mover] has joined #openbsd 14:23 -!- kfv [~kfv@ip89.ip-188-165-135.eu] has joined #openbsd 14:26 -!- UDENIX [~UDENIX@user/udenix] has joined #openbsd 14:27 -!- itsuki [~itsuki@user/itsuki] has joined #openbsd 14:29 -!- tarxvfz [~tarxvfz@gateway/tor-sasl/tarxvfz] has joined #openbsd 14:32 -!- seninha [~seninha@user/seninha] has joined #openbsd 14:34 -!- oneeyedalien [~oneeyedal@user/oneeyedalien] has joined #openbsd 14:38 -!- tarxvfz [~tarxvfz@gateway/tor-sasl/tarxvfz] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 14:38 -!- tercal [~tercal@user/tercal] has quit [Quit: Going offline, see ya! (www.adiirc.com)] 14:39 -!- chiselfuse [~chiselfus@user/chiselfuse] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 14:39 -!- drathir_tor [~drathir@wireguard/tunneler/drathir] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 14:39 -!- eniac [~eniac@user/eniac] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 14:39 -!- srfsh [~srfsh@user/srfsh] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 14:39 -!- tercal [~tercal@user/tercal] has joined #openbsd 14:39 -!- eniac [~eniac@user/eniac] has joined #openbsd 14:39 -!- chiselfuse [~chiselfus@user/chiselfuse] has joined #openbsd 14:39 -!- srfsh [~srfsh@user/srfsh] has joined #openbsd 14:39 -!- kfv_ [~kfv@ip89.ip-188-165-135.eu] has joined #openbsd 14:39 -!- kfv_ [~kfv@ip89.ip-188-165-135.eu] has quit [Client Quit] 14:39 -!- drathir_tor [~drathir@wireguard/tunneler/drathir] has joined #openbsd 14:40 -!- kfv [~kfv@ip89.ip-188-165-135.eu] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 14:41 -!- Xenguy [~Xenguy@user/xenguy] has joined #openbsd 14:45 -!- umgeher [~umgeher@user/umgeher] has quit [Quit: -> office] 14:47 -!- Bradipo [~Bradipo@] has joined #openbsd 14:48 -!- qqe [~qqq@] has joined #openbsd 14:51 < radhitya> Hello, does anyone can help me to make it works on OpenBSD? https://github.com/thesofproject/sof-bin 14:54 < pardis> this repo appears to only contain binaries, so no 14:56 < vortexx> IcePic: it's qemu-system-sparc64, not real hw. I do have an ultra1 with a hme interface but it's not set up right now. Apparently ne is the only interface that qemu provides that works for now. I'll try some others later maybe 14:56 < vortexx> radhitya: thanks 14:57 -!- gatlinggoat [~njd@] has joined #openbsd 14:57 -!- Rue__ [~rue@111-243-81-154.dynamic-ip.hinet.net] has joined #openbsd 14:59 < Zeroctober> vortexx: my only input for you is that 7.6 is running fine on my real sun ultra 2 15:00 -!- serxoz [~serxoz@xinu.me] has quit [Changing host] 15:00 -!- serxoz [~serxoz@user/serxoz] has joined #openbsd 15:02 -!- METROIDHunter_ [~metroidhu@] has joined #openbsd 15:02 -!- d5k [~d5k@p57af9fb1.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #openbsd 15:03 -!- Rue_ [~rue@111-243-81-154.dynamic-ip.hinet.net] has quit [Quit: WeeChat 4.4.2] 15:03 -!- Rue__ [~rue@111-243-81-154.dynamic-ip.hinet.net] has quit [Quit: WeeChat 4.4.2] 15:05 -!- xzdx [~xzdx@user/XZDX] has joined #openbsd 15:06 -!- horrad [~Thunderbi@p50989fe8.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 15:07 -!- Rue_ [~rue@111-243-81-154.dynamic-ip.hinet.net] has joined #openbsd 15:09 -!- xzdx [~xzdx@user/XZDX] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 15:10 -!- gatlinggoat1 [~Thunderbi@2600:4040:ad65:b400:d41d:cf3f:fce7:a533] has joined #openbsd 15:13 -!- spew [~spew@] has joined #openbsd 15:15 -!- extrowerk [~extrowerk@1F2EFF8D.nat.pool.telekom.hu] has joined #openbsd 15:16 -!- gatlinggoat1 [~Thunderbi@2600:4040:ad65:b400:d41d:cf3f:fce7:a533] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 15:18 -!- gatlinggoat [~njd@] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 15:19 -!- d5k [~d5k@p57af9fb1.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Quit: leaving] 15:19 -!- d5k [~d5k@p57af9fb1.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #openbsd 15:27 -!- adig [~default@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 15:27 -!- d5k [~d5k@p57af9fb1.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Quit: leaving] 15:27 -!- d5k [~d5k@p57af9fb1.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #openbsd 15:28 -!- oneeyedalien [~oneeyedal@user/oneeyedalien] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 15:28 -!- adig [~default@] has joined #openbsd 15:32 -!- qqe [~qqq@] has quit [Quit: leaving] 15:32 -!- qqe [~qqq@] has joined #openbsd 15:33 < vortexx> Zeroctober: thanks, that's good to know and I do expect it to work on real hw. qemu won't boot after install in 7.6 15:33 < vortexx> I'll resume testing in an hour or two, busy with other things right now 15:39 -!- d5k [~d5k@p57af9fb1.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 15:45 -!- Rue__ [~rue@111-243-81-154.dynamic-ip.hinet.net] has joined #openbsd 15:45 -!- frdem [~frdem@] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 15:56 < euphores> Here is my kernel panic: https://imgur.com/a/tQq0RgP 15:57 -!- SiFuh_ [~SiFuh@user/sifuh] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 15:57 -!- SiFuh_ [~SiFuh@user/sifuh] has joined #openbsd 15:58 -!- SiFuh [~SiFuh@user/sifuh] has quit [Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by SiFuh_))] 15:59 -!- SiFuh_ is now known as SiFuh 16:01 -!- sir-photch [~m-hy5poy@static.] has joined #openbsd 16:02 -!- umgeher [~umgeher@user/umgeher] has joined #openbsd 16:04 -!- SiFuh_ [~SiFuh@user/sifuh] has joined #openbsd 16:07 -!- desnudopenguino1 [~Thunderbi@c-24-16-0-66.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #openbsd 16:09 -!- desnudopenguino [~Thunderbi@c-24-16-0-66.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 16:09 -!- desnudopenguino1 is now known as desnudopenguino 16:15 -!- gatlinggoat [~njd@] has joined #openbsd 16:18 -!- seninha [~seninha@user/seninha] has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 16:22 -!- hwpplayer1 [~user@user/hwpplayer1] has joined #openbsd 16:23 -!- euphores [~SASL_euph@user/euphores] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 16:29 -!- euphores [~SASL_euph@user/euphores] has joined #openbsd 16:30 -!- hwpplayer1 [~user@user/hwpplayer1] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 16:34 -!- topcat001 [~topcat001@user/topcat001] has joined #openbsd 16:35 -!- Rue__ [~rue@111-243-81-154.dynamic-ip.hinet.net] has quit [Quit: WeeChat 4.4.2] 16:38 -!- gman999 [~GMan999@user/gman999] has quit [Quit: WeeChat 4.4.2] 16:40 -!- Rue__ [~rue@111-243-81-154.dynamic-ip.hinet.net] has joined #openbsd 16:41 -!- Rue__ [~rue@111-243-81-154.dynamic-ip.hinet.net] has quit [Client Quit] 16:41 -!- Rue__ [~rue@111-243-81-154.dynamic-ip.hinet.net] has joined #openbsd 16:44 -!- critter [~critter@user/critter] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 16:50 -!- eburk [~textual@user/eburk] has joined #openbsd 16:52 -!- yclept [~yclept@user/yclept] has joined #openbsd 16:52 -!- b50d_ [~b50d@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 16:53 -!- cmashinho [~artemshel@user/cmashinho] has joined #openbsd 16:53 -!- seninha [~seninha@user/seninha] has joined #openbsd 16:58 -!- feriman [~feriman@user/feriman] has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] 17:01 -!- drathir_tor [~drathir@wireguard/tunneler/drathir] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 17:02 -!- eburk [~textual@user/eburk] has quit [Quit: My Unrecognized Mac has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…] 17:02 -!- oneeyedalien [~oneeyedal@user/oneeyedalien] has joined #openbsd 17:07 -!- xzdx [~xzdx@user/XZDX] has joined #openbsd 17:12 -!- xzdx [~xzdx@user/XZDX] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 17:12 -!- drathir_tor [~drathir@wireguard/tunneler/drathir] has joined #openbsd 17:22 -!- d-ra [~d-ra@user/d-ra] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 17:24 -!- linsux [~metbsd@user/linsux] has quit [Quit: byeircer] 17:25 -!- gman999 [~GMan999@user/gman999] has joined #openbsd 17:27 -!- METROIDHunter_ [~metroidhu@] has quit [Quit: How cool is that?] 17:29 -!- critter [~critter@] has joined #openbsd 17:31 -!- oneeyedalien [~oneeyedal@user/oneeyedalien] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 17:31 -!- tarxvfz [~tarxvfz@gateway/tor-sasl/tarxvfz] has joined #openbsd 17:33 -!- sir-photch [~m-hy5poy@static.] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 17:34 -!- gatlinggoat [~njd@] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 17:37 -!- shinbeth [~shinbeth@user/sinvet] has joined #openbsd 17:39 -!- gatlinggoat [~njd@] has joined #openbsd 17:40 -!- bilegeek [~bilegeek@2600:1008:b001:620a:43c3:75c:3744:424a] has joined #openbsd 17:41 -!- linsux [~metbsd@pool-174-119-53-138.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #openbsd 17:41 -!- linsux [~metbsd@pool-174-119-53-138.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has quit [Changing host] 17:41 -!- linsux [~metbsd@user/linsux] has joined #openbsd 17:42 -!- ficonni [~ficonni@] has quit [Quit: Lost terminal] 17:47 -!- eburk [~eburk@user/eburk] has joined #openbsd 17:53 -!- sir-photch [~m-hy5poy@static.] has joined #openbsd 17:58 -!- sir-photch [~m-hy5poy@static.] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 17:59 < vortexx> 7.3 won't boot in qemu-system-sparc64 17:59 < vortexx> going to try 7.4 17:59 -!- qqe [~qqq@] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 18:01 -!- qqe [~qqq@] has joined #openbsd 18:01 -!- sir-photch [~m-hy5poy@static.] has joined #openbsd 18:04 < zayd> vortexx: yeah i was having the same issue 18:05 < zayd> i was offline for a bit, did 7.0, .1, or .2 boot? 18:12 -!- eburk [~eburk@user/eburk] has quit [Quit: My Unrecognized Mac has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…] 18:14 < vortexx> 7.0 doesn't at all, be it installer or manually installed os. 7.1 and 7.2 boot 18:16 -!- style-warning [~style-war@user/style-warning] has quit [Quit: Client closed] 18:19 -!- donofrio [~donofrio@c-68-51-145-118.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #openbsd 18:20 -!- shinbeth [~shinbeth@user/sinvet] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 18:22 < vortexx> 7.4 crashes on boot at the same place they all do, just after loading, no dmesg 18:27 -!- SiFuh [~SiFuh@user/sifuh] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 18:27 -!- format_c [~format_c@2a02:b98:f181:4094:f550:7488:2d5:5ffa] has joined #openbsd 18:27 -!- seninha [~seninha@user/seninha] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 18:27 -!- SiFuh [~SiFuh@user/sifuh] has joined #openbsd 18:28 -!- jpoc [~jpoc@centos/qa/jpoc] has quit [Quit: ZNC 1.8.2+deb3.1+deb12u1 - https://znc.in] 18:29 -!- jpoc [~jpoc@centos/qa/jpoc] has joined #openbsd 18:45 < vortexx> 7.5 installs but won't boot post install 18:46 < vortexx> so that leaves 7.2 as the last known good version of the OS for sparc64 on qemu 18:49 -!- chilledfrogs [~chilledfr@rsa59-h05-176-133-210-176.dsl.sta.abo.bbox.fr] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 18:56 < Bradipo> Are there any 3D cad programs that run on OpenBSD? 18:57 -!- kroovy [~libera@] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 18:59 -!- cgnarne_ [~pk@cgn-89-1-210-222.nc.de] has joined #openbsd 19:00 < miah> freecad? 19:00 < betabug> https://openports.pl/cat/cad lists any? 19:01 < miah> i haven't tried it on openbsd but its what i always reach for 19:02 < thrig> control alt delete is more a windows thing 19:02 -!- cgnarne_ is now known as cgnarne 19:02 -!- cgnarne [~pk@cgn-89-1-210-222.nc.de] has quit [Changing host] 19:02 -!- cgnarne [~pk@user/cgnarne] has joined #openbsd 19:02 -!- Rue__ [~rue@111-243-81-154.dynamic-ip.hinet.net] has quit [Quit: WeeChat 4.4.2] 19:03 -!- Rue_ [~rue@111-243-81-154.dynamic-ip.hinet.net] has quit [Quit: WeeChat 4.4.2] 19:03 -!- donofrio [~donofrio@c-68-51-145-118.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 19:03 -!- kroovy [~libera@] has joined #openbsd 19:08 -!- absc [~absc@2a04:ee41:8:6055:4e10:1f28:ce84:172b] has joined #openbsd 19:09 -!- xzdx [~xzdx@user/XZDX] has joined #openbsd 19:13 -!- divansantana [~user@] has joined #openbsd 19:14 -!- xzdx [~xzdx@user/XZDX] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 19:14 -!- gatlinggoat [~njd@] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 19:18 -!- xet7 [~xet7@user/xet7] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 19:18 -!- d5k [~d5k@p57af9fb1.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #openbsd 19:23 -!- d5k [~d5k@p57af9fb1.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Quit: leaving] 19:24 < ssm_> control alt delete? Is this loss? 19:25 < ssm_> miah: openscad! 19:26 < Bradipo> freecad isn't yet available, though I thought I saw some discussion about it here a while back. 19:26 -!- kodcode [~kodcode@user/kodcode] has joined #openbsd 19:26 -!- xzdx [~xzdx@user/XZDX] has joined #openbsd 19:29 < kodcode> Hello. How do I enable screen sharing in chrome? pkg-readmes from firefox mentions shmget(), is that true also for chrome and is running 'chrome --no-sandbox' the only solution? 19:29 < Bradipo> I've never had to do that with Teams and "screen sharing". 19:30 -!- xet7 [~xet7@user/xet7] has joined #openbsd 19:31 -!- xzdx [~xzdx@user/XZDX] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 19:41 -!- absc [~absc@2a04:ee41:8:6055:4e10:1f28:ce84:172b] has quit [Quit: Got to go. irctk 1.1.0-beta] 19:41 -!- mikewilzn [609e48c489@user/mikewilzn] has left #openbsd [] 19:41 -!- mikewilzn [609e48c489@user/mikewilzn] has joined #openbsd 19:44 -!- format_c [~format_c@2a02:b98:f181:4094:f550:7488:2d5:5ffa] has quit [Quit: format_c] 19:44 -!- gatlinggoat [~njd@] has joined #openbsd 19:45 -!- qqe [~qqq@] has quit [Quit: leaving] 19:46 -!- eburk [~eburk@user/eburk] has joined #openbsd 19:47 < kodcode> Bradipo: video is shared only if the sharing window is active (using fvwm) 19:54 -!- user71 [~user71@2001:1530:1000:51a3:27f7:1145:9e0:1313] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 19:55 -!- donofrio [~donofrio@c-68-51-145-118.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #openbsd 19:57 -!- noone [~six@user/six] has joined #openbsd 20:02 -!- donofrio [~donofrio@c-68-51-145-118.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 20:02 < Bradipo> kodcode: Hmm, I don't have a good way to test that. I've never heard any complaints though. I usually choose a specific window to share, not the entire X session. 20:02 -!- ivdsangen [~ivo@86-95-161-96.fixed.kpn.net] has quit [Quit: https://github.com/ivdsangen] 20:03 -!- euphores [~SASL_euph@user/euphores] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 20:04 -!- Filystyn [~piotr@user/filystyn] has joined #openbsd 20:04 -!- chasmo77 [~chas77@c-76-105-254-179.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #openbsd 20:04 -!- absc [~absc@2a04:ee41:8:6055:607e:18d5:d843:88b2] has joined #openbsd 20:09 -!- euphores [~SASL_euph@user/euphores] has joined #openbsd 20:11 < kodcode> Bradipo: may I ask which window manager or desktop enviroment you are using? 20:13 < zelest> Actually, I'm curious all of people who use OpenBSD as their daily OS, use as WM/DE. :) 20:13 < zelest> what* 20:13 < thrig> cwm (or sometimes fvwm) 20:13 -!- tarxvfz [~tarxvfz@gateway/tor-sasl/tarxvfz] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 20:14 < Filystyn> i go with fvwm2 20:14 < Filystyn> i set it once and using same conf from like 5 years 20:14 < surrounder> on openbsd, cwm 20:15 < Filystyn> did some minor changes but in general same file 20:15 < zelest> Filystyn, mhm, I know the feeling :) 20:15 < zelest> cwm here as well btw 20:15 < betabug> I've been using cwm for some years now 20:16 -!- chilledfrogs [~chilledfr@rsa59-h05-176-133-210-176.dsl.sta.abo.bbox.fr] has joined #openbsd 20:17 -!- chilledfrogs [~chilledfr@rsa59-h05-176-133-210-176.dsl.sta.abo.bbox.fr] has quit [Client Quit] 20:17 -!- chilledfrogs [~chilledfr@176-133-210-176.abo.bbox.fr] has joined #openbsd 20:18 < Bradipo> kodcode: I don't use a "desktop environment", only fluxbox or fvwm. 20:23 < sibiria> i like icons on the desktop, but unfortunately cwm doesn't support it, and fluxbox needs external help to get it going 20:23 < sibiria> (fbdesk is still a thing, right?) 20:24 -!- gotohello [~gotohello@user/gotohello] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 20:24 -!- memset [~memset@gateway/tor-sasl/memset] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 20:25 -!- memset [~memset@gateway/tor-sasl/memset] has joined #openbsd 20:30 -!- gotohello [~gotohello@user/gotohello] has joined #openbsd 20:30 -!- CrashOverride [~strcat@p54855b70.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 20:33 < cmashinho> does anyone have issues on 7.6 with external audio sound card (stuttering) 20:34 -!- lavaball [~Melissa@] has quit [Quit: lavaball] 20:37 < betabug> I don't see the background anyway, it's all terminal or browser window 20:38 -!- setient [~setient@li92-193.members.linode.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 20:40 -!- donofrio [~donofrio@c-68-51-145-118.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #openbsd 20:40 -!- setient [~setient@li92-193.members.linode.com] has joined #openbsd 20:47 -!- danilogondolfo [~danilogon@2a02:8084:4f62:1280:b7b3:a501:c0ed:dbd9] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 20:48 -!- znedw08 [~znedw@2400:a846:4040::f61] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 20:51 -!- znedw08 [~znedw@2400:a846:4040::f61] has joined #openbsd 20:51 -!- yclept [~yclept@user/yclept] has quit [Quit: nyaa~] 20:52 -!- swaggboi [~kvirc@slackware.uk/supporter/swaggboi] has quit [Quit: KVIrc 5.0.0 Aria http://www.kvirc.net/] 20:53 < Bradipo> betabug: Same here. There is no real estate for "desktop icons" anyway. I would have to minimize all my windows to make use of them anyway. 20:53 -!- gotohello [~gotohello@user/gotohello] has quit [Quit: Client closed] 20:57 -!- kroovy [~libera@] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 20:57 -!- kroovy [~libera@] has joined #openbsd 20:57 -!- Filystyn [~piotr@user/filystyn] has quit [Quit: Lost terminal] 20:59 -!- gotohello [~gotohello@user/gotohello] has joined #openbsd 21:00 -!- mijndert [~mijndert@user/mijndert] has quit [Quit: kbye] 21:00 -!- cmashinho [~artemshel@user/cmashinho] has quit [Quit: Lost terminal] 21:05 -!- swaggboi [~kvirc@slackware.uk/supporter/swaggboi] has joined #openbsd 21:06 -!- gotohello [~gotohello@user/gotohello] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 21:09 -!- mikewilzn [609e48c489@user/mikewilzn] has left #openbsd [] 21:11 -!- xzdx [~xzdx@user/XZDX] has joined #openbsd 21:13 -!- gotohello [~gotohello@user/gotohello] has joined #openbsd 21:13 -!- gatlinggoat [~njd@] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 21:16 -!- xzdx [~xzdx@user/XZDX] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 21:17 -!- tarxvfz [~tarxvfz@gateway/tor-sasl/tarxvfz] has joined #openbsd 21:17 < thyssentishman> dwm here 21:18 -!- donofrio [~donofrio@c-68-51-145-118.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 21:18 < thyssentishman> been wanting to try cwm, but I don't know if I can give up tiling 21:18 < zayd> vortexx: ok so i report 7.2 for qemu? 21:18 < zayd> if an openbsd bug report is also needed it'd probably be best that you do that, i know next to nothing about openbsd 21:19 < ssm_> thyssentishman: cwm has very rudimentary tiling (based off window grouping, don't remember if the manpage mentions this). I quit years of using tilers to switch to cwm and I don't miss tiling at all 21:20 < ssm_> cwm also has many different ways you can use it based off of your configuration, so you have to find what's right for you 21:20 < thyssentishman> ssm_: I read that there's a function that can tile currently open windows 21:21 -!- gman999 [~GMan999@user/gman999] has quit [Quit: WeeChat 4.4.2] 21:22 < ssm_> window-vtile and window-htile. works like automatic tiling, but it doesn't account for new windows. I mostly use it when I want to create a pseudo-tmux layout during updates or whatever 21:22 < thyssentishman> but if I switch to cwm I'd want to get rid of my bad habits of spawning a million terminals all the time 21:22 -!- tarxvfz [~tarxvfz@gateway/tor-sasl/tarxvfz] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 21:22 -!- memset [~memset@gateway/tor-sasl/memset] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 21:22 -!- memset [~memset@gateway/tor-sasl/memset] has joined #openbsd 21:22 < ssm_> no reason you can't do that, it's easy to stay organized with window labeling 21:23 < ssm_> and then select which label you want from the window menu 21:23 < thyssentishman> yeah I mean that cwm would probably help me break those habits because its the tiling which IMO promotes this 21:24 -!- kroovy [~libera@] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 21:25 < thyssentishman> best of all is that cwm is in base 21:25 < thyssentishman> that's a big selling point for me 21:25 -!- tarxvfz [~tarxvfz@gateway/tor-sasl/tarxvfz] has joined #openbsd 21:26 -!- spew [~spew@] has quit [Quit: spew] 21:30 -!- sinvet [sinvet@user/sinvet] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 21:30 -!- sinvet [sinvet@user/sinvet] has joined #openbsd 21:32 -!- kroovy [~libera@] has joined #openbsd 21:36 -!- eburk [~eburk@user/eburk] has quit [Quit: My Unrecognized Mac has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…] 21:40 < jb1277976> i just found out about cwm yesterday cant wait to try it 21:40 -!- ook [~ook@user/ook] has quit [Quit: ook] 21:56 -!- megawatt [~megawatt@user/megawatt] has left #openbsd [] 21:57 < Bradipo> fvwm is in base too. 22:00 -!- pstef [~pstef@user/pstef] has joined #openbsd 22:01 < ssm_> twm is too 22:01 -!- greybeard [~Adium@user/greybeard] has left #openbsd [] 22:02 -!- nedko [~nedko@gateway/tor-sasl/nedko] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 22:02 < ssm_> if you think cwm is too limited, I think spectrwm in ports is supposed to be like cwm on steroids 22:03 < ssm_> haven't used it though, so don't take my word for it 22:03 -!- nedko [~nedko@gateway/tor-sasl/nedko] has joined #openbsd 22:03 -!- absc [~absc@2a04:ee41:8:6055:607e:18d5:d843:88b2] has quit [Quit: Got to go. irctk 1.1.0-beta] 22:07 -!- Xenguy [~Xenguy@user/xenguy] has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 22:08 < thrig> and this amount of bloat was just right, said Goldilocks 22:09 < jb1277976> thrig: you must use dwm ? 22:11 < ssm_> john puffer wasn't satisfied until all his applications ran inside the wscons framebuffer 22:12 < ssm_> I do wish mpv had a wscons vo 22:12 < ssm_> tct just doesn't cut it, for some reason 22:12 < echelon> which wm's are pledge/unveil'd? 22:14 < echelon> eh, i guess you can't pledge/unveil for the same reason you can't pledge/unveil ksh 22:15 < ssm_> echelon: grep -Er 'pledge|unveil' /usr/xenocara/app/{c,fv,t}wm tells me cwm and fvwm are pledge'd, twm is not. None of them use unveil. 22:15 < echelon> interesting 22:15 < thrig> you can pledge xterm or similar if you're okay with limiting what it can run 22:15 < thrig> but given that X11 security isn't, well, 22:18 < ssm_> random guess that cwm and fvwm aren't unveil'd due to -c and -cmd options allowing alternative config locations 22:19 < ssm_> I guess you could call pledge with unveil and then call unveil after the config is read, and recall pledge without unveil 22:24 -!- scain [~scain@2603:8080:b104:4e00:45cf:678b:a7f:b897] has quit [Quit: Konversation terminated!] 22:24 < phy1729> Depending on the pledge, there's no need for unveil 22:25 < ssm_> yeah without {w,r,c}path it's useless, right? 22:25 < phy1729> There's also dpath (and tmppath but that's limited to /tmp iirc) 22:26 < phy1729> fvwm's pledge is stdio rpath proc exec 22:26 < phy1729> same for cwm 22:35 -!- xet7 [~xet7@user/xet7] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 22:35 -!- sinvet [sinvet@user/sinvet] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 22:36 -!- xet7 [~xet7@user/xet7] has joined #openbsd 22:38 -!- gman999 [~GMan999@user/gman999] has joined #openbsd 22:46 < vortexx> zayd: yes 22:46 -!- tarxvfz [~tarxvfz@gateway/tor-sasl/tarxvfz] has quit [Quit: tarxvfz] 22:50 -!- Xenguy [~Xenguy@user/xenguy] has joined #openbsd 22:51 -!- sinvet [sinvet@user/sinvet] has joined #openbsd 22:53 -!- mbuhl [~mbuhl@user/mbuhl] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 22:53 -!- davlefou [~davlefou@2a01:e0a:5f4:4bd0:e65f:7e1f:eb68:e89] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 22:53 < zayd> alright, i'll make a qcow2 and submit it to the issue tracker 22:53 -!- shinbet [sinvet@user/sinvet] has joined #openbsd 22:54 -!- davlefou [~davlefou@2a01:e0a:5f4:4bd0:e65f:7e1f:eb68:e89] has joined #openbsd 22:54 -!- mbuhl [~mbuhl@user/mbuhl] has joined #openbsd 22:55 -!- umgeher [~umgeher@user/umgeher] has quit [Quit: WeeChat 4.4.2] 22:55 -!- sinvet [sinvet@user/sinvet] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 23:03 -!- Tobbi [~Tobbi@SuperTux/Tobbi] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 23:08 -!- shinbet [sinvet@user/sinvet] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 23:13 -!- xzdx [~xzdx@user/XZDX] has joined #openbsd 23:13 -!- viq|w [~viq@user/viq] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 23:18 -!- xzdx [~xzdx@user/XZDX] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 23:18 -!- zimmer [~zimmer@user/zimmer] has joined #openbsd 23:18 -!- mover [~hischild@user/mover] has quit [Quit: leaving] 23:20 -!- eburk [~eburk@user/eburk] has joined #openbsd 23:20 -!- viq|w [~viq@user/viq] has joined #openbsd 23:25 < vortexx> I'm giving the -current snapshot a go just in case it works 23:26 < vortexx> cd0 has once again got atapi issues --- Log closed Tue Oct 22 00:00:32 2024