--- Log opened Mon Feb 10 00:00:00 2025 --- Day changed Mon Feb 10 2025 00:00 -!- zippy [~quassel@] has quit [Quit: https://quassel-irc.org - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.] 00:00 -!- srfsh [~srfsh@user/srfsh] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 00:00 -!- srfsh [~srfsh@user/srfsh] has joined #openbsd 00:02 -!- alfiee [~alfiee@user/alfiee] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 00:03 -!- anelli_ [~anelli@user/macarona] has joined #openbsd 00:04 -!- anelli [~anelli@user/macarona] has quit [Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by anelli_))] 00:04 -!- anelli_ is now known as anelli 00:10 -!- naoki1 [~Thunderbi@KD106150157243.ppp-bb.dion.ne.jp] has joined #openbsd 00:10 -!- naoki1 [~Thunderbi@KD106150157243.ppp-bb.dion.ne.jp] has quit [Client Quit] 00:12 -!- zwr [~zwr@200-97-58-10.user3p.veloxzone.com.br] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 00:12 -!- naoki1 [~Thunderbi@240f:10b:7440:1:60c4:7d16:39d4:b93e] has joined #openbsd 00:12 -!- zwr [~zwr@200-97-58-10.user3p.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #openbsd 00:13 -!- naoki [~Thunderbi@KD106150157243.ppp-bb.dion.ne.jp] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 00:13 -!- naoki1 is now known as naoki 00:17 -!- MyNetAz [~MyNetAz@user/MyNetAz] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 00:23 -!- florida [~florida@2a02:ab88:7200:6a00:762b:62ff:fe83:1a1b] has joined #openbsd 00:25 -!- florida [~florida@2a02:ab88:7200:6a00:762b:62ff:fe83:1a1b] has quit [Client Quit] 00:27 -!- izder456 [~izder456@syn-035-148-122-041.res.spectrum.com] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 00:30 -!- MyNetAz [~MyNetAz@user/MyNetAz] has joined #openbsd 00:34 -!- zippy [~quassel@] has joined #openbsd 00:42 -!- adip [~adip@c145-14.icpnet.pl] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 00:45 -!- duri [~mduregon@97-120-135-23.ptld.qwest.net] has quit [Quit: leaving] 00:45 -!- duri [~mduregon@97-120-135-23.ptld.qwest.net] has joined #openbsd 00:46 -!- alfiee [~alfiee@user/alfiee] has joined #openbsd 00:47 -!- gman999 [~GMan999@user/gman999] has joined #openbsd 00:49 -!- sdds [~sdds@user/sdds] has joined #openbsd 00:51 -!- alfiee [~alfiee@user/alfiee] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 00:55 -!- naoki [~Thunderbi@240f:10b:7440:1:60c4:7d16:39d4:b93e] has quit [Quit: naoki] 00:55 -!- naoki [~Thunderbi@KD106150157243.ppp-bb.dion.ne.jp] has joined #openbsd 00:58 -!- ikarso [uid475540@id-475540.tinside.irccloud.com] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 00:58 -!- naoki [~Thunderbi@KD106150157243.ppp-bb.dion.ne.jp] has quit [Client Quit] 00:59 -!- naoki1 [~Thunderbi@KD106150157243.ppp-bb.dion.ne.jp] has joined #openbsd 01:01 -!- jgh [~jgh@hellmouth.gulag.org.uk] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 01:01 -!- naoki1 is now known as naoki 01:06 -!- sdds [~sdds@user/sdds] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 01:08 -!- naoki1 [~Thunderbi@240f:10b:7440:1:904b:cf2:c046:90a1] has joined #openbsd 01:11 -!- naoki [~Thunderbi@KD106150157243.ppp-bb.dion.ne.jp] has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds] 01:11 -!- naoki1 is now known as naoki 01:15 -!- izder456 [~izder456@syn-035-148-122-041.res.spectrum.com] has joined #openbsd 01:18 -!- zenstoic [uid461840@id-461840.hampstead.irccloud.com] has joined #openbsd 01:23 -!- chasmo77 [~chas77@c-76-105-254-179.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has quit [Quit: It's just that easy] 01:24 -!- rawgreaze [~rawgreaze@user/rawgreaze] has quit [Quit: ZNC 1.8.2 - https://znc.in] 01:28 -!- rawgreaze [~rawgreaze@user/rawgreaze] has joined #openbsd 01:30 -!- xx [~xx@user/xx] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 01:33 -!- naoki [~Thunderbi@240f:10b:7440:1:904b:cf2:c046:90a1] has quit [Quit: naoki] 01:33 -!- naoki1 [~Thunderbi@KD106150157243.ppp-bb.dion.ne.jp] has joined #openbsd 01:35 -!- alfiee [~alfiee@user/alfiee] has joined #openbsd 01:36 -!- naoki1 is now known as naoki 01:38 -!- naoki1 [~Thunderbi@240f:10b:7440:1:193a:5ee5:2381:7456] has joined #openbsd 01:39 -!- alfiee [~alfiee@user/alfiee] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 01:40 -!- naoki [~Thunderbi@KD106150157243.ppp-bb.dion.ne.jp] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 01:40 -!- naoki1 is now known as naoki 01:42 -!- ublx [~ublx@user/ublx] has quit [Quit: ublx] 01:46 -!- naoki [~Thunderbi@240f:10b:7440:1:193a:5ee5:2381:7456] has quit [Quit: naoki] 01:47 -!- naoki [~Thunderbi@KD106150157243.ppp-bb.dion.ne.jp] has joined #openbsd 02:08 -!- donofrio [~donofrio@] has joined #openbsd 02:16 -!- pabs3 [~pabs3@user/pabs3] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 02:17 -!- pabs3 [~pabs3@user/pabs3] has joined #openbsd 02:21 -!- naoki [~Thunderbi@KD106150157243.ppp-bb.dion.ne.jp] has quit [Quit: naoki] 02:21 -!- naoki1 [~Thunderbi@KD106150157243.ppp-bb.dion.ne.jp] has joined #openbsd 02:23 -!- naoki1 [~Thunderbi@KD106150157243.ppp-bb.dion.ne.jp] has quit [Client Quit] 02:23 -!- naoki [~Thunderbi@KD106150157243.ppp-bb.dion.ne.jp] has joined #openbsd 02:24 -!- alfiee [~alfiee@user/alfiee] has joined #openbsd 02:26 -!- chaky [~chaky@93-138-227-58.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 02:27 -!- donofrio_ [~donofrio@] has joined #openbsd 02:28 -!- chaky [~chaky@] has joined #openbsd 02:28 -!- donofrio [~donofrio@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 02:28 -!- alfiee [~alfiee@user/alfiee] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 02:39 -!- seninha [~seninha@user/seninha] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 02:50 -!- tvtoon [~The_cUnix@user/tvtoon] has quit [Quit: "Mad goes as burg..."] 02:53 -!- donofrio_ [~donofrio@] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 02:57 -!- mentalbarcode [~mentalbar@user/mentalbarcode] has joined #openbsd 03:01 -!- Manis [01a66df340@] has quit [Quit: Gateway shutdown] 03:04 -!- sandbag [~sandbag@user/sandbag] has joined #openbsd 03:12 -!- alfiee [~alfiee@user/alfiee] has joined #openbsd 03:16 -!- alfiee [~alfiee@user/alfiee] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 03:18 -!- sandbag [~sandbag@user/sandbag] has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds] 03:19 -!- sandbag [~sandbag@user/sandbag] has joined #openbsd 03:31 -!- EtherNet- [~ethernet@user/ethernet] has joined #openbsd 03:31 -!- EtherNet [~ethernet@user/ethernet] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 03:32 -!- EtherNet- is now known as EtherNet 03:47 -!- naoki [~Thunderbi@KD106150157243.ppp-bb.dion.ne.jp] has quit [Quit: naoki] 03:47 -!- naoki [~Thunderbi@KD106150157243.ppp-bb.dion.ne.jp] has joined #openbsd 03:51 -!- mover [~hischild@user/mover] has quit [Quit: leaving] 03:53 -!- _zip100 [~zip100@] has joined #openbsd 03:53 -!- zip100 [~zip100@] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 04:01 -!- alfiee [~alfiee@user/alfiee] has joined #openbsd 04:03 -!- tm512 [~tm512@user/tm512] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 04:03 -!- tm512` [~tm512@] has joined #openbsd 04:03 -!- tm512` [~tm512@] has quit [Changing host] 04:03 -!- tm512` [~tm512@user/tm512] has joined #openbsd 04:05 -!- alfiee [~alfiee@user/alfiee] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 04:05 -!- macabro [~user@user/monkey/x-0691028] has joined #openbsd 04:07 -!- naoki [~Thunderbi@KD106150157243.ppp-bb.dion.ne.jp] has quit [Quit: naoki] 04:07 -!- naoki [~Thunderbi@KD106150157243.ppp-bb.dion.ne.jp] has joined #openbsd 04:11 -!- bket [~bket@user/bket] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 04:12 -!- naoki [~Thunderbi@KD106150157243.ppp-bb.dion.ne.jp] has quit [Client Quit] 04:12 -!- naoki [~Thunderbi@KD106150157243.ppp-bb.dion.ne.jp] has joined #openbsd 04:13 -!- SiFuh [~SiFuh@user/sifuh] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 04:13 -!- SiFuh [~SiFuh@user/sifuh] has joined #openbsd 04:18 -!- tommyrot [~tommyrot@user/tommyrot] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 04:19 -!- dogg0 [~dogg0@user/dogg0] has joined #openbsd 04:23 -!- mentalbarcode [~mentalbar@user/mentalbarcode] has quit [Quit: WeeChat 4.5.1] 04:23 -!- mentalbarcode [~mentalbar@user/mentalbarcode] has joined #openbsd 04:26 -!- tommyrot [~tommyrot@user/tommyrot] has joined #openbsd 04:26 -!- bket [~bket@user/bket] has joined #openbsd 04:49 -!- alfiee [~alfiee@user/alfiee] has joined #openbsd 04:51 -!- mentalbarcode [~mentalbar@user/mentalbarcode] has quit [Quit: WeeChat 4.5.1] 04:53 -!- macabro [~user@user/monkey/x-0691028] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 04:53 -!- alfiee [~alfiee@user/alfiee] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 04:58 -!- dgip^ [~dgip@] has joined #openbsd 05:02 -!- anelli [~anelli@user/macarona] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 05:05 -!- cantelope [uid598105@id-598105.hampstead.irccloud.com] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 05:09 -!- loganaden [~logan@] has joined #openbsd 05:12 -!- anelli [~anelli@user/macarona] has joined #openbsd 05:23 -!- hsw_ [~hsw@2001-b030-2303-0104-0172-0025-0012-0132.hinet-ip6.hinet.net] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 05:23 -!- hsw [~hsw@2001-b030-2303-0104-0172-0025-0012-0132.hinet-ip6.hinet.net] has joined #openbsd 05:27 -!- zenstoic [uid461840@id-461840.hampstead.irccloud.com] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 05:30 -!- jonf [~jjf@c-174-166-163-232.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 05:30 -!- jonf [~jjf@c-174-166-163-232.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #openbsd 05:31 -!- Aedil [~adrian@ip923469d0.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de] has joined #openbsd 05:33 -!- hsw [~hsw@2001-b030-2303-0104-0172-0025-0012-0132.hinet-ip6.hinet.net] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 05:33 -!- agentcasey [~agentcase@143-42-229-181.ip.linodeusercontent.com] has quit [Quit: ZNC 1.10.x-git-27-bfd731cf - https://znc.in] 05:33 -!- hsw [~hsw@2001-b030-2303-0104-0172-0025-0012-0132.hinet-ip6.hinet.net] has joined #openbsd 05:34 -!- agentcasey [~agentcase@143-42-229-181.ip.linodeusercontent.com] has joined #openbsd 05:37 -!- memset [~memset@gateway/tor-sasl/memset] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 05:37 -!- alfiee [~alfiee@user/alfiee] has joined #openbsd 05:37 -!- hsw [~hsw@2001-b030-2303-0104-0172-0025-0012-0132.hinet-ip6.hinet.net] has quit [Client Quit] 05:37 -!- hsw [~hsw@2001-b030-2303-0104-0172-0025-0012-0132.hinet-ip6.hinet.net] has joined #openbsd 05:38 -!- hsw [~hsw@2001-b030-2303-0104-0172-0025-0012-0132.hinet-ip6.hinet.net] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 05:38 -!- hsw [~hsw@2001-b030-2303-0104-0172-0025-0012-0132.hinet-ip6.hinet.net] has joined #openbsd 05:41 -!- alfiee [~alfiee@user/alfiee] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 05:42 -!- hsw [~hsw@2001-b030-2303-0104-0172-0025-0012-0132.hinet-ip6.hinet.net] has quit [Client Quit] 05:42 -!- hsw [~hsw@2001-b030-2303-0104-0172-0025-0012-0132.hinet-ip6.hinet.net] has joined #openbsd 05:49 -!- izder456 [~izder456@syn-035-148-122-041.res.spectrum.com] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 05:50 -!- memset [~memset@gateway/tor-sasl/memset] has joined #openbsd 05:54 -!- Aedil [~adrian@ip923469d0.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de] has quit [Quit: Lost terminal] 06:01 -!- loganaden [~logan@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 06:01 -!- Aedil [~adrian@ip923469d0.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de] has joined #openbsd 06:02 -!- ikarso [uid475540@id-475540.tinside.irccloud.com] has joined #openbsd 06:06 -!- horrad [~Thunderbi@2003:a:61f:c901:9907:f2af:6ea5:44bb] has joined #openbsd 06:09 -!- srfsh [~srfsh@user/srfsh] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 06:10 -!- srfsh [~srfsh@user/srfsh] has joined #openbsd 06:13 -!- gce108 [~gce@user/gce108] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 06:13 -!- gce108_ [~gce@user/gce108] has joined #openbsd 06:19 -!- loganaden [~logan@] has joined #openbsd 06:25 -!- alfiee [~alfiee@user/alfiee] has joined #openbsd 06:26 -!- shiranaihito_ [~shiranaih@2001:fb1:7e:c98e:bd2c:cb8c:a1e4:1767] has joined #openbsd 06:26 -!- divansantana [~user@] has joined #openbsd 06:30 -!- alfiee [~alfiee@user/alfiee] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 06:30 -!- mjt [~mt@user/mt] has quit [Quit: Shouldn't we be able to see the runway by now? (%znc)] 06:30 -!- mjt [~mt@user/mt] has joined #openbsd 06:36 -!- uncleyear [~ian@] has joined #openbsd 06:44 -!- memset [~memset@gateway/tor-sasl/memset] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 06:46 -!- memset [~memset@gateway/tor-sasl/memset] has joined #openbsd 06:58 -!- \subline [~join_subl@24-246-63-252.cable.teksavvy.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 07:01 -!- mijndert21108 [~mijndert@86-86-243-190.fixed.kpn.net] has joined #openbsd 07:05 -!- Manis [01a66df340@] has joined #openbsd 07:13 -!- alfiee [~alfiee@user/alfiee] has joined #openbsd 07:16 -!- adip [~adip@c145-14.icpnet.pl] has joined #openbsd 07:17 -!- struchu [~struchu@staticline-31-183-160-116.toya.net.pl] has joined #openbsd 07:18 -!- alfiee [~alfiee@user/alfiee] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 07:20 -!- shiranaihito_ [~shiranaih@2001:fb1:7e:c98e:bd2c:cb8c:a1e4:1767] has quit [Quit: My Mac has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…] 07:25 -!- loganaden [~logan@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 07:31 -!- loganaden [~logan@] has joined #openbsd 07:41 -!- feriman [~feriman@user/feriman] has joined #openbsd 07:43 -!- shiranaihito_ [~shiranaih@ppp-171-96-192-58.revip8.asianet.co.th] has joined #openbsd 07:51 -!- loganaden [~logan@] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 07:57 -!- hwpplayer1 [~user@user/hwpplayer1] has joined #openbsd 08:01 -!- alfiee [~alfiee@user/alfiee] has joined #openbsd 08:04 -!- adig [~default@] has joined #openbsd 08:05 -!- alfiee [~alfiee@user/alfiee] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 08:13 -!- waves [~waves@user/waves] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 08:15 -!- waves [~waves@user/waves] has joined #openbsd 08:17 -!- digitalrane [~rane@user/digitalrane] has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds] 08:30 -!- lcubed [~lcubed@user/lcubed] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 08:31 -!- lcubed [~lcubed@user/lcubed] has joined #openbsd 08:41 -!- loganaden [~logan@] has joined #openbsd 08:41 -!- frdem [~frdem@] has joined #openbsd 08:42 -!- frdem [~frdem@] has quit [Client Quit] 08:46 -!- \subline [~join_subl@24-246-63-252.cable.teksavvy.com] has joined #openbsd 08:49 -!- alfiee [~alfiee@user/alfiee] has joined #openbsd 08:49 -!- loganaden [~logan@] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 08:52 -!- frdem [~frdem@] has joined #openbsd 08:54 -!- alfiee [~alfiee@user/alfiee] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 08:56 -!- b50d [~b50d@] has joined #openbsd 09:01 -!- loganaden [~logan@] has joined #openbsd 09:01 -!- davlefou [~davlefou@2a01:e0a:5f4:4bd0:6cfd:4d71:abf1:f22b] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 09:04 -!- megawatt [~megawatt@user/megawatt] has joined #openbsd 09:06 -!- m1dnight [~m1dnight@d8D861908.access.telenet.be] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 09:06 -!- loganaden [~logan@] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 09:07 -!- xx [~xx@user/xx] has joined #openbsd 09:15 -!- loganaden [~logan@] has joined #openbsd 09:35 -!- hwpplayer1 [~user@user/hwpplayer1] has quit [Quit: bbl] 09:35 -!- sdds [~sdds@user/sdds] has joined #openbsd 09:38 -!- alfiee [~alfiee@user/alfiee] has joined #openbsd 09:40 -!- feriman [~feriman@user/feriman] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 09:42 -!- alfiee [~alfiee@user/alfiee] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 09:45 -!- loganaden [~logan@] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 09:51 -!- loganaden [~logan@] has joined #openbsd 09:54 -!- sdds [~sdds@user/sdds] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 09:57 -!- loganaden [~logan@] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 09:59 -!- hwpplayer1 [~user@user/hwpplayer1] has joined #openbsd 09:59 -!- anelli [~anelli@user/macarona] has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds] 10:00 -!- loganaden [~logan@] has joined #openbsd 10:01 -!- m1dnight [~m1dnight@d8D861908.access.telenet.be] has joined #openbsd 10:03 -!- lavaball [~Melissa@] has joined #openbsd 10:05 -!- loganaden [~logan@] has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds] 10:08 -!- loganaden [~logan@] has joined #openbsd 10:10 -!- hwpplayer1 [~user@user/hwpplayer1] has quit [Quit: bbl] 10:10 -!- davlefou [~davlefou@2a01:e0a:5f4:4bd0:e4e:e574:e560:7b36] has joined #openbsd 10:11 -!- anelli [~anelli@user/macarona] has joined #openbsd 10:26 -!- alfiee [~alfiee@user/alfiee] has joined #openbsd 10:28 -!- loganaden [~logan@] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 10:30 -!- alfiee [~alfiee@user/alfiee] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 10:34 -!- antanst [~antanst@user/antanst] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 10:45 -!- loganaden [~logan@] has joined #openbsd 10:46 -!- m1dnight [~m1dnight@d8D861908.access.telenet.be] has quit [Quit: WeeChat 3.0] 10:52 -!- antanst [~antanst@user/antanst] has joined #openbsd 11:13 -!- loganaden [~logan@] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 11:14 -!- alfiee [~alfiee@user/alfiee] has joined #openbsd 11:18 -!- alfiee [~alfiee@user/alfiee] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 11:26 -!- hwpplayer1 [~user@user/hwpplayer1] has joined #openbsd 11:26 -!- UDENIX [~UDENIX@user/udenix] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 11:26 -!- feriman [~feriman@user/feriman] has joined #openbsd 11:27 -!- UDENIX [~UDENIX@user/udenix] has joined #openbsd 11:37 -!- loganaden [~logan@] has joined #openbsd 11:46 -!- busterbcook [~busterbco@user/busterbcook] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 11:54 -!- loganaden [~logan@] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 12:03 -!- alfiee [~alfiee@user/alfiee] has joined #openbsd 12:08 -!- alfiee [~alfiee@user/alfiee] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 12:08 -!- loganaden [~logan@] has joined #openbsd 12:10 -!- m1dnight [~m1dnight@d8D861908.access.telenet.be] has joined #openbsd 12:16 -!- loganaden [~logan@] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 12:21 -!- ficonni [~ficonni@] has quit [Quit: Lost terminal] 12:22 -!- ludo_ [jimbo@user/ludovicus] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 12:23 -!- mover [~hischild@user/mover] has joined #openbsd 12:24 -!- ludo_ [jimbo@user/ludovicus] has joined #openbsd 12:26 -!- loganaden [~logan@] has joined #openbsd 12:32 -!- manwithluck` [~manwithlu@2a09:bac1:5be0:20::49:de] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 12:33 -!- manwithluck` [~manwithlu@2a09:bac1:5be0:20::49:de] has joined #openbsd 12:34 -!- loganaden [~logan@] has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds] 12:39 -!- loganaden [~logan@] has joined #openbsd 12:43 -!- noone [~six@user/six] has quit [Quit: nyaa~] 12:49 -!- viq|w [~viq@user/viq] has quit [Quit: WeeChat 4.4.4] 12:52 -!- alfiee [~alfiee@user/alfiee] has joined #openbsd 12:52 -!- busterbcook [~busterbco@user/busterbcook] has joined #openbsd 12:54 -!- chasmo77 [~chas77@c-76-105-254-179.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #openbsd 12:56 -!- alfiee [~alfiee@user/alfiee] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 12:57 -!- viq|w [~viq@user/viq] has joined #openbsd 13:00 -!- shinbet [sinvet@user/sinvet] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 13:03 -!- Leone [~Leo@104-195-246-221.cpe.teksavvy.com] has joined #openbsd 13:04 -!- UDENIX [~UDENIX@user/udenix] has quit 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host closed the connection] 19:13 -!- krl [~krl@h-155-4-221-200.NA.cust.bahnhof.se] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 19:14 -!- thrig [~thrig@c-73-221-177-233.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #openbsd 19:16 -!- sshifflett [sshifflett@user/sshifflett] has joined #openbsd 19:20 -!- alfiee [~alfiee@user/alfiee] has joined #openbsd 19:21 -!- or4n [~or4n@gerbera.qkka.org] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 19:23 -!- scain [~ircclient@2600:3c00:e000:30c::1001] has quit [Quit: Quit] 19:24 -!- alfiee [~alfiee@user/alfiee] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 19:25 -!- scain [~ircclient@2600:3c00:e000:30c::1001] has joined #openbsd 19:25 -!- Darkcipher [~Darkciphe@seve-27-b2-v4wan-169267-cust4454.vm13.cable.virginm.net] has quit [Quit: Asta La Vista !!] 19:27 -!- Slesa [~Slesa@] has joined #openbsd 19:27 < erdem> patch monday! 19:28 < thrig> maybe this update puts AI and ads into cwm 19:31 -!- rconjoe [~rconjoe@user/rconjoe] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 19:32 < jmcunx> isn't pf already AI ? :) 19:33 -!- rconjoe [~rconjoe@user/rconjoe] has joined #openbsd 19:41 < RobbieAB> And the irony of the liblzma problem was that there is an entire industry that would have spotted it in an instant even if the "lucky break" hadn't happened. 19:42 < RobbieAB> And it seems I am responding to scroll back... My bad, apologies. 19:42 -!- timebender [~timebende@sc-206-217-18-18.sumnercomm.net] has joined #openbsd 19:44 -!- memset [~memset@gateway/tor-sasl/memset] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 19:45 -!- memset [~memset@gateway/tor-sasl/memset] has joined #openbsd 19:54 -!- adig [~default@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 19:55 -!- oxzi [~oxzi@marohu.lurk.space] has quit [Quit: WeeChat] 19:57 -!- absc [~absc@2a04:ee41:8:6055:871:226:7ded:21bf] has joined #openbsd 19:58 < miah> its not too far back on the scroll though 19:59 -!- niftily [~niftily@user/niftily] has quit [Quit: leaving] 20:00 < RobbieAB> A bunch of FinTech firms would have spotted the performance regression. 20:01 -!- niftily [~niftily@user/niftily] has joined #openbsd 20:01 -!- absc [~absc@2a04:ee41:8:6055:871:226:7ded:21bf] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 20:03 -!- halloy8536 [~halloy853@hers-08-b2-v4wan-169670-cust212.vm34.cable.virginm.net] has joined #openbsd 20:06 -!- ficonni [~ficonni@] has quit [Quit: Lost terminal] 20:07 -!- uwharrie [~uwharrie@user/uwharrie] has joined #openbsd 20:08 -!- alfiee [~alfiee@user/alfiee] has joined #openbsd 20:09 -!- seninha [~seninha@user/seninha] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 20:09 -!- memset [~memset@gateway/tor-sasl/memset] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 20:09 -!- memset [~memset@gateway/tor-sasl/memset] has joined #openbsd 20:10 -!- halloy8536 [~halloy853@hers-08-b2-v4wan-169670-cust212.vm34.cable.virginm.net] has left #openbsd [] 20:12 -!- alfiee [~alfiee@user/alfiee] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 20:18 -!- loganaden [~logan@] has joined #openbsd 20:22 -!- oxzi [~oxzi@marohu.lurk.space] has joined #openbsd 20:25 -!- jf [~jf@user/jonfle] has joined #openbsd 20:26 -!- jf [~jf@user/jonfle] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 20:26 -!- anavel [~anavel@user/anavel] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 20:26 -!- jf [~jf@user/jonfle] has joined #openbsd 20:27 < systemdsucks> cjs: did you see the gossip on the angelic doctor https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=42996671 ? 20:27 -!- loganaden [~logan@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 20:27 -!- Guest47 [~Guest47@] has quit [Quit: Client closed] 20:27 < systemdsucks> sorry about the ot 20:28 -!- testEnv [~testEnv@] has joined #openbsd 20:29 -!- vxla [~vxla@user/vxla] has quit [Quit: leaving] 20:29 -!- erdem [~erdem@user/erdem] has left #openbsd [WeeChat 3.8] 20:30 -!- jf [~jf@user/jonfle] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 20:31 -!- ublx [~ublx@user/ublx] has quit [Quit: ublx] 20:32 -!- shiranaihito_ [~shiranaih@ppp-171-96-192-58.revip8.asianet.co.th] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 20:35 -!- shiranaihito_ [~shiranaih@ppp-171-97-85-20.revip8.asianet.co.th] has joined #openbsd 20:37 -!- testEnv [~testEnv@] has quit [Quit: Client closed] 20:37 -!- vxla [~vxla@user/vxla] has joined #openbsd 20:38 -!- izder456 [~izder456@syn-035-148-122-041.res.spectrum.com] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 20:40 -!- jhuhn [~jhuhn@user/jhuhn] has joined #openbsd 20:40 -!- rain0r [~rainer@static.] has quit [Quit: rain0r] 20:41 -!- rain0r [~rainer@static.] has joined #openbsd 20:42 -!- absc [~absc@2a04:ee41:8:6055:94bb:e5e1:22e5:182a] has joined #openbsd 20:42 -!- testEnv [~testEnv@] has joined #openbsd 20:44 -!- polishdub [~polishdub@ip72-208-203-185.ph.ph.cox.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 20:44 -!- anavel [~anavel@user/anavel] has joined #openbsd 20:44 -!- lumidify [~lumidify@user/lumidify] has quit [Quit: leaving] 20:46 -!- lumidify [~lumidify@user/lumidify] has joined #openbsd 20:46 -!- polishdub [~polishdub@ip72-208-203-185.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #openbsd 20:46 < jhuhn> Is there any recommendation how to set NET_TASKQ? AFAIK the default is 4 but this seems to be relly low on systems with many cpus. 20:48 -!- testEnv [~testEnv@] has quit [Quit: Client closed] 20:49 -!- ChubaDuba [~ChubaDuba@] has quit [Quit: WeeChat 4.5.1] 20:49 -!- rain0r [~rainer@static.] has quit [Quit: rain0r] 20:49 -!- rain0r [~rainer@static.] has joined #openbsd 20:49 -!- gawen [~gawen@user/gawen] has quit [Quit: cya] 20:51 -!- user71 [~user71@2001:1530:1012:b85e:58c3:47db:1aaa:ac7c] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 20:52 < jmcunx> jhuhn: mayne this will help ? http://undeadly.org/cgi?action=article;sid=20220319123157 20:53 -!- uncleyear [~ian@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 20:54 -!- gawen [~gawen@user/gawen] has joined #openbsd 20:54 -!- uncleyear [~ian@] has joined #openbsd 20:54 -!- seninha [~seninha@user/seninha] has joined #openbsd 20:55 -!- polarian [~polarian@znc.polarian.dev] has quit [Quit: Polarian has disappeared] 20:56 -!- naoki [~Thunderbi@240f:10b:7440:1:3c3b:b254:6ee0:9a6a] has joined #openbsd 20:57 -!- polarian [~polarian@znc.polarian.dev] has joined #openbsd 20:57 < jhuhn> jmcunx: yeah, I already found that, but this is nearly three years old and a lot of stuff got improved over the time. I wonder if the default of 4 is outdated. 20:59 -!- alfiee [~alfiee@user/alfiee] has joined #openbsd 21:02 < jmcunx> That I do not know, but since it was posted ~3 years ago, I kind of doubt much changed since then. But I could be wrong :) 21:03 < jhuhn> Regarding networking there was a lot of improvements since it was posted. 21:03 -!- alfiee [~alfiee@user/alfiee] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 21:07 -!- henrix [~henrix@user/henrix] has quit [Quit: leaving] 21:08 -!- henrix [~henrix@user/henrix] has joined #openbsd 21:11 -!- gawen [~gawen@user/gawen] has quit [Quit: cya] 21:15 -!- gawen [~gawen@user/gawen] has joined #openbsd 21:15 -!- fro [fro@humpty.dance] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 21:19 -!- polarian_ [~polarian@znc.polarian.dev] has joined #openbsd 21:20 -!- polarian [~polarian@znc.polarian.dev] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 21:20 -!- polarian_ is now known as polarian 21:21 -!- shiranaihito_ [~shiranaih@ppp-171-97-85-20.revip8.asianet.co.th] has quit [Quit: My Mac has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…] 21:22 -!- Aedil [~adrian@ip923469d0.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de] has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds] 21:23 -!- feriman [~feriman@user/feriman] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 21:33 -!- polarian_ [~polarian@znc.polarian.dev] has joined #openbsd 21:34 -!- polarian [~polarian@znc.polarian.dev] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 21:34 -!- polarian_ is now known as polarian 21:34 -!- arch-nemesis [cory@user/arch-nemesis] has joined #openbsd 21:36 -!- or4n [~or4n@gerbera.qkka.org] has joined #openbsd 21:39 -!- dgip^ [~dgip@] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 21:40 -!- dgip^ [~dgip@] has joined #openbsd 21:41 -!- oraculo [~mirc-rc@] has quit [Quit: Access and use #POP!_OS] 21:43 -!- niftily [~niftily@user/niftily] has quit [Quit: leaving] 21:44 -!- CrashOverride [~strcat@p5485533f.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 21:44 -!- anelli [~anelli@user/macarona] has joined #openbsd 21:48 -!- alfiee [~alfiee@user/alfiee] has joined #openbsd 21:51 -!- chilledfrogs [~chilledfr@176-133-210-176.abo.bbox.fr] has quit [Quit: connection reset by purr] 21:52 -!- alfiee [~alfiee@user/alfiee] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 21:59 -!- Leone [~Leo@104-195-246-221.cpe.teksavvy.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds] 22:00 -!- mijndert21108 [~mijndert@86-86-243-190.fixed.kpn.net] has quit [Quit: kbye] 22:05 -!- jhuhn [~jhuhn@user/jhuhn] has quit [Quit: leaving] 22:06 -!- chilledfrogs [~chilledfr@rsa59-h05-176-133-210-176.dsl.sta.abo.bbox.fr] has joined #openbsd 22:06 -!- hwpplayer1 [~user@user/hwpplayer1] has quit [Quit: tomorrow is another day] 22:08 -!- Old-Ben-Jabroni [~oldben@user/Old-Ben-Jabroni] has quit [Quit: leaving] 22:08 -!- fro [fro@humpty.dance] has joined #openbsd 22:12 -!- alx_ [~alx@] has joined #openbsd 22:15 -!- alx^ [~alx@] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 22:15 < shtrophic> How are you guys generating unbound dns blocklists? 22:15 < shtrophic> Or, phrased differently: are there any alternatives to something like https://www.geoghegan.ca/unbound-adblock.html 22:17 < shtrophic> s/guys/guys or gals/ 22:21 < phy1729> Look at the logs whenever I notice something get through and add it. ubo can handle whatever I miss 22:23 -!- izder456 [~izder456@syn-035-148-122-041.res.spectrum.com] has joined #openbsd 22:23 -!- absc [~absc@2a04:ee41:8:6055:94bb:e5e1:22e5:182a] has quit [Quit: Got to go. irctk 1.1.0-beta] 22:24 -!- gman999 [~GMan999@user/gman999] has quit [Quit: WeeChat 4.4.2] 22:27 -!- mete- is now known as Mete- 22:31 -!- Slesa [~Slesa@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 22:32 < unrznbl> are there any hooks into the early startup so that I could either make a beep or best run espeak to say something to prompt for the disk encryption passphrase? I have a laptop I'd like to use without a monitor. (similar to linux espeakup is what I'm going for) 22:33 -!- noone [~six@user/six] has joined #openbsd 22:34 -!- znedw08688 [~znedw@2400:a846:4040::f61] has joined #openbsd 22:35 -!- znedw0868 [~znedw@2400:a846:4040::f61] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 22:35 -!- znedw08688 is now known as znedw0868 22:36 < pardis> not if using full-disk encryption 22:36 < pardis> you don't even have an operating system running yet at that point 22:36 < pardis> if you leave the root disk unencrypted and have a second encrypted disk (or partition), you could do that 22:37 -!- alfiee [~alfiee@user/alfiee] has joined #openbsd 22:38 -!- uncleyear [~ian@] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 22:39 < unrznbl> pardis, thanks! 22:40 -!- lavaball [~Melissa@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 22:42 -!- alfiee [~alfiee@user/alfiee] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 22:47 -!- angues [~snakes@user/Snakes] has joined #openbsd 22:54 -!- memset [~memset@gateway/tor-sasl/memset] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 22:54 -!- xx [~xx@user/xx] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 22:56 -!- xx [~xx@user/xx] has joined #openbsd 22:56 -!- memset [~memset@gateway/tor-sasl/memset] has joined #openbsd 22:57 -!- UDENIX [~UDENIX@user/udenix] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 23:02 -!- memset_ [~memset@gateway/tor-sasl/memset] has joined #openbsd 23:02 -!- memset [~memset@gateway/tor-sasl/memset] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 23:04 -!- gman999 [~GMan999@user/gman999] has joined #openbsd 23:08 -!- pstef [~pstef@user/pstef] has joined #openbsd 23:09 -!- jpoc [~jpoc@centos/qa/jpoc] has quit [Quit: ZNC 1.8.2+deb3.1+deb12u1 - https://znc.in] 23:09 -!- pstef_ [~pstef@user/pstef] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 23:10 -!- jpoc [~jpoc@centos/qa/jpoc] has joined #openbsd 23:13 -!- niftily [~niftily@user/niftily] has joined #openbsd 23:16 -!- niftily [~niftily@user/niftily] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 23:24 -!- timebender [~timebende@sc-206-217-18-18.sumnercomm.net] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 23:25 -!- izder456 [~izder456@syn-035-148-122-041.res.spectrum.com] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 23:26 -!- alfiee [~alfiee@user/alfiee] has joined #openbsd 23:27 -!- angues [~snakes@user/Snakes] has quit [Quit: WeeChat 4.2.1] 23:31 -!- alfiee [~alfiee@user/alfiee] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 23:36 -!- izder456 [~izder456@syn-035-148-122-041.res.spectrum.com] has joined #openbsd 23:50 -!- wnh [~Thunderbi@user/wnh] has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds] 23:52 -!- lorenzo [~jebus@fosshaven.com] has quit [Quit: Ping timeout (120 seconds)] 23:53 -!- lorenzo [~jebus@fosshaven.com] has joined #openbsd 23:53 -!- rueda [~rueda@2404:9400:3:0:216:3eff:fee1:7d67] has quit [Quit: rueda] 23:54 -!- mbuhl [~mbuhl@user/mbuhl] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 23:54 -!- pstef_ [~pstef@user/pstef] has joined #openbsd 23:55 -!- pstef [~pstef@user/pstef] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 23:55 -!- mbuhl [~mbuhl@user/mbuhl] has joined #openbsd 23:56 -!- rueda [~rueda@2404:9400:3:0:216:3eff:fee1:7d67] has joined #openbsd 23:57 -!- tommyrot [~tommyrot@user/tommyrot] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 23:58 -!- seninha [~seninha@user/seninha] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] --- Log closed Tue Feb 11 00:00:09 2025