--- Log opened Mon Feb 17 00:00:18 2025 00:02 -!- ublx [~ublx@user/ublx] has quit [Quit: ublx] 00:02 -!- brass_ [~brass@user/dac] has joined #openbsd 00:03 < thyssentishman> no I don't. I'm rebuilding right now 00:03 < thyssentishman> thanks sibiria, I'll take that into consideration 00:04 < thyssentishman> currently I'm mostly experimenting 00:04 -!- megawatt [~megawatt@user/megawatt] has left #openbsd [] 00:07 -!- brass_ [~brass@user/dac] has quit [Quit: WeeChat 4.4.2] 00:07 -!- brass_ [~brass@user/dac] has joined #openbsd 00:08 -!- brass [~brass@user/dac] has quit [Quit: WeeChat 4.4.2] 00:08 -!- brass_ is now known as brass 00:08 -!- gman999 [~GMan999@user/gman999] has joined #openbsd 00:09 -!- naoki [~Thunderbi@240f:10b:7440:1:4418:5cf6:aa7c:2435] has quit [Quit: naoki] 00:09 -!- naoki1 [~Thunderbi@KD106150157243.ppp-bb.dion.ne.jp] has joined #openbsd 00:10 -!- adip [~adip@c145-14.icpnet.pl] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 00:10 -!- naoki1 [~Thunderbi@KD106150157243.ppp-bb.dion.ne.jp] has quit [Client Quit] 00:11 -!- brass [~brass@user/dac] has quit [Client Quit] 00:11 -!- brass [~brass@user/dac] has joined #openbsd 00:16 -!- alfiee [~alfiee@user/alfiee] has joined #openbsd 00:17 -!- RaySl [~raysl@sdf-1.vm.tornadovps.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 00:21 -!- alfiee [~alfiee@user/alfiee] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 00:21 -!- mode/#openbsd [+o phy1729] by ChanServ 00:21 -!- mode/#openbsd [-qo $a:eniac phy1729] by phy1729 00:25 -!- fallback [fallback@2605:6400:20:b4:2df7:c15d:5c14:7a83] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 00:26 -!- RayS [~raysl@sdf-1.vm.tornadovps.net] has joined #openbsd 00:26 -!- sdds [~sdds@user/sdds] has joined #openbsd 00:30 -!- naoki [~Thunderbi@240f:10b:7440:1:ca2e:366:a1af:7dbf] has joined #openbsd 00:38 -!- lagash [lagash@fortunato.freeirc.org] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 00:41 -!- gman999 [~GMan999@user/gman999] has quit [Quit: WeeChat 4.4.2] 00:54 -!- fallback [fallback@shelltalk.net] has joined #openbsd 00:57 -!- agentcasey [~agentcase@143-42-229-181.ip.linodeusercontent.com] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 00:58 -!- wickedshell [~wickedshe@2601:8c0:800:4baa:773e:ed8f:cb5b:cd48] has joined #openbsd 01:04 -!- alfiee [~alfiee@user/alfiee] has joined #openbsd 01:05 -!- rika07 [~rika07@] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 01:07 -!- rika07 [~rika07@] has joined #openbsd 01:08 -!- alfiee [~alfiee@user/alfiee] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 01:08 -!- horsewhip [~chris@user/horsewhip] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 01:14 -!- horsewhip [~chris@user/horsewhip] has joined #openbsd 01:27 -!- ytdslrha^ [~ytdslrha@] has joined #openbsd 01:34 -!- agentcasey [~agentcase@2600:1702:d70:4520::47] has joined #openbsd 01:37 -!- echelon [~echelon@gateway/tor-sasl/steerpike] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 01:38 -!- echelon [~echelon@gateway/tor-sasl/steerpike] has joined #openbsd 01:43 -!- seninha [~seninha@user/seninha] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 01:44 -!- seninha [~seninha@user/seninha] has joined #openbsd 01:45 -!- lavaball [~Melissa@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 01:52 -!- alfiee [~alfiee@user/alfiee] has joined #openbsd 01:53 -!- edthix [~Thunderbi@] has joined #openbsd 01:56 -!- alfiee [~alfiee@user/alfiee] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 01:56 -!- xx [~xx@user/xx] has quit [Quit: xx] 01:59 -!- shinbet [sinvet@user/sinvet] has joined #openbsd 02:01 -!- sinvet [~sinvet@user/sinvet] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 02:05 -!- shinbet [sinvet@user/sinvet] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 02:07 -!- sinvet [sinvet@user/sinvet] has joined #openbsd 02:13 -!- sinvet [sinvet@user/sinvet] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 02:16 -!- sinvet [sinvet@user/sinvet] has joined #openbsd 02:21 -!- sinvet [sinvet@user/sinvet] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 02:25 -!- SirJitsu [~SirJitsu@162-231-111-175.lightspeed.livnmi.sbcglobal.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 02:30 -!- SirJitsu [~SirJitsu@162-231-111-175.lightspeed.livnmi.sbcglobal.net] has joined #openbsd 02:39 -!- alfiee [~alfiee@user/alfiee] has joined #openbsd 02:44 -!- alfiee [~alfiee@user/alfiee] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 02:44 -!- tvtoon [~The_cUnix@user/tvtoon] has quit [Quit: "Back to the Pumpture"] 02:44 -!- agentcasey [~agentcase@2600:1702:d70:4520::47] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 02:45 -!- lagash [lagash@dakata.freeirc.org] has joined #openbsd 02:50 -!- agentcasey [agentcasey@2600:3c03::f03c:93ff:febe:5054] has joined #openbsd 02:53 -!- brass [~brass@user/dac] has quit [Quit: WeeChat 4.4.2] 02:53 -!- seninha [~seninha@user/seninha] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 02:56 -!- jgh [~jgh@hellmouth.gulag.org.uk] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 03:07 -!- ikarso [uid475540@id-475540.tinside.irccloud.com] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 03:10 -!- izder456 [~izder456@syn-035-148-122-041.res.spectrum.com] has joined #openbsd 03:25 -!- dennis [~d@ennis.no] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 03:26 -!- dennis [~d@ennis.no] has joined #openbsd 03:26 -!- alfiee [~alfiee@user/alfiee] has joined #openbsd 03:31 -!- alfiee [~alfiee@user/alfiee] has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds] 03:33 -!- EtherNet [~ethernet@user/ethernet] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 03:35 -!- EtherNet [~ethernet@user/ethernet] has joined #openbsd 03:38 -!- izder456 [~izder456@syn-035-148-122-041.res.spectrum.com] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 03:50 -!- mover [~hischild@user/mover] has quit [Quit: leaving] 03:53 -!- _zip100 [~zip100@] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 03:53 -!- Xenguy [~Xenguy@user/xenguy] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 03:53 -!- Xenguy_ [~Xenguy@user/xenguy] has joined #openbsd 04:02 -!- zip100 [~zip100@] has joined #openbsd 04:04 -!- ChubaDuba [~ChubaDuba@] has joined #openbsd 04:07 -!- chasmo77 [~chas77@c-76-105-254-179.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #openbsd 04:08 -!- zippy [~quassel@] has quit [Quit: https://quassel-irc.org - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.] 04:08 -!- zippy [~quassel@] has joined #openbsd 04:08 -!- zippy [~quassel@] has quit [Client Quit] 04:09 -!- zippy [~quassel@] has joined #openbsd 04:09 -!- zungi [~tory@user/andrewchawk] has joined #openbsd 04:12 -!- vdamewood [~vdamewood@fedora/vdamewood] has joined #openbsd 04:14 -!- alfiee [~alfiee@user/alfiee] has joined #openbsd 04:16 -!- BillyZane [~BillyZane@user/BillyZane] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 04:16 -!- BillyZane [~BillyZane@user/BillyZane] has joined #openbsd 04:18 -!- alfiee [~alfiee@user/alfiee] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 04:22 -!- BillyZane [~BillyZane@user/BillyZane] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 04:22 -!- BillyZane [~BillyZane@user/BillyZane] has joined #openbsd 04:34 -!- slowdudetommy [~steel@syn-076-091-065-078.res.spectrum.com] has joined #openbsd 04:35 -!- brass [~brass@user/dac] has joined #openbsd 04:44 -!- Lucanis [~lucanis@user/lucanis] has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds] 04:52 -!- mlw [~mlw@] has joined #openbsd 04:57 -!- Xenguy_ is now known as Xenguy 05:01 -!- alfiee [~alfiee@user/alfiee] has joined #openbsd 05:06 -!- alfiee [~alfiee@user/alfiee] has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds] 05:11 -!- ytdslrha^ [~ytdslrha@] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 05:19 -!- slowdudetommy [~steel@syn-076-091-065-078.res.spectrum.com] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 05:24 -!- vbotka [~vbotka@] has joined #openbsd 05:24 -!- vbotka [~vbotka@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 05:30 -!- jonf [~jjf@c-174-166-163-232.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 05:30 -!- jonf [~jjf@c-174-166-163-232.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #openbsd 05:32 -!- uncleyear [~ian@] has joined #openbsd 05:33 -!- agentcasey_ [agentcasey@2600:3c03::f03c:93ff:febe:5054] has joined #openbsd 05:35 -!- agentcasey [agentcasey@2600:3c03::f03c:93ff:febe:5054] has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds] 05:48 -!- alfiee [~alfiee@user/alfiee] has joined #openbsd 05:53 -!- alfiee [~alfiee@user/alfiee] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 05:55 -!- Aedil [~adrian@ip923469d0.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de] has joined #openbsd 06:04 -!- angelwood [~Thunderbi@user/angelwood] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 06:06 -!- bilegeek [~bilegeek@2600:1008:b003:ebaf:3ffc:e42d:aa74:26d0] has joined #openbsd 06:13 -!- uncleyear [~ian@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 06:14 -!- uncleyear [~ian@] has joined #openbsd 06:16 < ssm_> anyone know what a usecase is for the <> (read and write) redirection? I've known about it for ages but I don't actually know how you're supposed to use it 06:16 < ssm_> only thing I can think of is reading a file into awk and writing back to the same file? 06:20 -!- loganaden [~logan@] has joined #openbsd 06:21 -!- loganaden [~logan@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 06:22 < ssm_> I tried with sed but it just ended up writing to stdout instead of to the file 06:23 -!- horrad [~Thunderbi@2003:a:61f:c901:9907:f2af:6ea5:44bb] has joined #openbsd 06:34 -!- cantelope [uid598105@id-598105.hampstead.irccloud.com] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 06:34 -!- memset [~memset@gateway/tor-sasl/memset] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 06:35 -!- memset [~memset@gateway/tor-sasl/memset] has joined #openbsd 06:35 -!- alfiee [~alfiee@user/alfiee] has joined #openbsd 06:36 -!- memset [~memset@gateway/tor-sasl/memset] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 06:37 < IcePic> ssm_: giving a program /dev/null for both stdin and stdout might have an effect of not having it hang on to those default descriptors? 06:40 -!- memset [~memset@gateway/tor-sasl/memset] has joined #openbsd 06:40 -!- alfiee [~alfiee@user/alfiee] has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] 06:43 -!- memset [~memset@gateway/tor-sasl/memset] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 06:45 -!- memset [~memset@gateway/tor-sasl/memset] has joined #openbsd 06:47 -!- shiranaihito_ [~shiranaih@2001:fb1:7d:435d:b871:f99f:9eac:633] has joined #openbsd 06:48 -!- artmdl [~art5456@d173-183-34-71.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #openbsd 06:48 -!- ivdsangen [~ivo@83-84-59-127.cable.dynamic.v4.ziggo.nl] has joined #openbsd 06:55 -!- gustik [~gusto@178-143-43-44.static.orange.sk] has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds] 07:01 -!- mijndert21108 [~mijndert@86-86-243-190.fixed.kpn.net] has joined #openbsd 07:03 -!- BillyZane [~BillyZane@user/BillyZane] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 07:04 -!- BillyZane [~BillyZane@user/BillyZane] has joined #openbsd 07:06 -!- agentcasey_ [agentcasey@2600:3c03::f03c:93ff:febe:5054] has quit [Quit: ZNC 1.10.x-git-27-bfd731cf - https://znc.in] 07:17 < eniac> cat > hello.txt < hello 07:17 < eniac> EOF 07:18 -!- cryptexx0 [~cryptexx0@] has quit [Quit: Bye.] 07:19 -!- cryptexx0 [~cryptexx0@] has joined #openbsd 07:20 -!- adip [~adip@c145-14.icpnet.pl] has joined #openbsd 07:23 -!- alfiee [~alfiee@user/alfiee] has joined #openbsd 07:28 -!- alfiee [~alfiee@user/alfiee] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 07:29 -!- loganaden [~logan@] has joined #openbsd 07:34 < ssm_> >|hello.txt 07:39 -!- sjg_ [~sjg@user/sjg] has joined #openbsd 07:41 -!- loganaden [~logan@] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 07:41 -!- ymherklotz [cb2c9cfbdd@2a03:6000:1812:100::29a] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 07:41 -!- m15o [965950e801@2a03:6000:1812:100::27d] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 07:41 -!- akspecs [00cc8321af@sourcehut/user/akspecs] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 07:41 -!- lescx [0e4aeb91f3@2a03:6000:1812:100::1312] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 07:41 -!- srhm [dda3db84b5@user/srhm] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 07:41 -!- akarle [be2b385958@user/akarle] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 07:41 -!- gwn [00597634f8@2a03:6000:1812:100::390] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 07:41 -!- ninjin [e5f30034cf@user/ninjin] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 07:41 -!- signaryk [584d7fd4a4@2a03:6000:1812:100::286] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 07:41 -!- riksteri [d20812115c@2a03:6000:1812:100::1e6] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 07:41 -!- artoj [6b3000d6fb@user/artoj] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 07:41 -!- deglebe [5c9bf04527@user/deglebe] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 07:41 -!- ggb [a62ffbaf4f@2a03:6000:1812:100::3ac] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 07:41 -!- beo [7411cfe050@user/beo] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 07:41 -!- okt [560965ea7b@user/okt] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 07:41 -!- froggychair [04a2c177dd@2a03:6000:1812:100::1073] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 07:41 -!- psw [2b13331353@user/psw] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 07:41 -!- fputs [368c3b758d@2a03:6000:1812:100::e10] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 07:41 -!- insistent [67ed50a5ca@user/insistent] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 07:41 -!- burley [fc32d5b940@user/burley] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 07:41 -!- sm2n [ae95cb1267@user/sm2n] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 07:41 -!- muirrum_ [1e469248d7@sourcehut/user/muirrum] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 07:41 -!- eigil [6d1d0ce290@user/eigil] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 07:41 -!- pvac [7ad04df12b@user/pvac] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 07:41 -!- tostr [60aa75e090@user/tostr] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 07:41 -!- slondr [cf9f9e8f44@2a03:6000:1812:100::10b6] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 07:41 -!- unrznbl [1db697e805@2a03:6000:1812:100::146e] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 07:41 -!- rodolphoeck [d0c09e266b@2a03:6000:1812:100::3c9] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 07:41 -!- casaca [ce7c759250@user/casaca] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 07:41 -!- gjn [cb73e0a324@user/gjnoonan] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 07:41 -!- gachikuku_ [39b1ffc74a@2a03:6000:1812:100::13c5] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 07:41 -!- gabeio [8c51bebfb2@user/gabeio] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 07:41 -!- baraq [815932d8e7@user/baraq] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 07:41 -!- knrd [a4ecc02eba@2a03:6000:1812:100::f8f] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 07:41 -!- jjf [4dfd5f9d80@user/jjf] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 07:41 -!- jakzale [6291399afa@user/jakzale] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 07:41 -!- nikken [afb4c4a035@2a03:6000:1812:100::e20] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 07:41 -!- lemontree [bf8dd0254d@user/lemontree] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 07:41 -!- jtbx [31bb539f50@2a03:6000:1812:100::1328] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 07:41 -!- sherbert [d006a0b946@2a03:6000:1812:100::155] has quit [Write error: Broken pipe] 07:41 -!- raghavgururajan [ea769b8000@user/raghavgururajan] has quit [Write error: Broken pipe] 07:41 -!- MonsoonSecrecy [f78c86e960@2a03:6000:1812:100::f99] has quit [Write error: Broken pipe] 07:41 -!- SusanTheNerd2 [94eebe0143@user/SusanTheNerd] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 07:41 -!- greenfork [5f5a220812@2a03:6000:1812:100::138] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 07:41 -!- paulgrmn [4935b8e2c8@user/paulgrmn] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 07:41 -!- alexisg [0f1138bdbc@sourcehut/alexisgeoffrey] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 07:41 -!- hedy [8a4a60df66@gelim/dev/hedy] has quit [Write error: Broken pipe] 07:41 -!- wolfdog [974102286c@user/meow/yote] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 07:41 -!- eax_ [6ba2dd7b84@user/eax/x-8810663] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 07:41 -!- wolfdog [974102286c@user/meow/yote] has joined #openbsd 07:41 -!- insistent [67ed50a5ca@user/insistent] has joined #openbsd 07:41 -!- sherbert [d006a0b946@2a03:6000:1812:100::155] has joined #openbsd 07:41 -!- rodolphoeck [d0c09e266b@2a03:6000:1812:100::3c9] has joined #openbsd 07:41 -!- ggb [a62ffbaf4f@2a03:6000:1812:100::3ac] has joined #openbsd 07:41 -!- artoj [6b3000d6fb@user/artoj] has joined #openbsd 07:41 -!- jjf [4dfd5f9d80@user/jjf] has joined #openbsd 07:41 -!- MyNetAz [~MyNetAz@user/MyNetAz] has quit [Write error: Broken pipe] 07:41 -!- baraq [815932d8e7@user/baraq] has joined #openbsd 07:41 -!- paulgrmn [4935b8e2c8@user/paulgrmn] has joined #openbsd 07:41 -!- jtbx [31bb539f50@2a03:6000:1812:100::1328] has joined #openbsd 07:41 -!- gjn [cb73e0a324@user/gjnoonan] has joined #openbsd 07:41 -!- ninjin [e5f30034cf@user/ninjin] has joined #openbsd 07:41 -!- signaryk [584d7fd4a4@2a03:6000:1812:100::286] has joined #openbsd 07:41 -!- psw [2b13331353@user/psw] has joined #openbsd 07:41 -!- gwn [00597634f8@2a03:6000:1812:100::390] has joined #openbsd 07:41 -!- eigil [6d1d0ce290@user/eigil] has joined #openbsd 07:41 -!- nikken [afb4c4a035@2a03:6000:1812:100::e20] has joined #openbsd 07:41 -!- jakzale [6291399afa@user/jakzale] has joined #openbsd 07:41 -!- fputs [368c3b758d@2a03:6000:1812:100::e10] has joined #openbsd 07:41 -!- hedy [8a4a60df66@gelim/dev/hedy] has joined #openbsd 07:41 -!- greenfork [5f5a220812@2a03:6000:1812:100::138] has joined #openbsd 07:41 -!- gabeio [8c51bebfb2@user/gabeio] has joined #openbsd 07:41 -!- casaca [ce7c759250@user/casaca] has joined #openbsd 07:41 -!- alexisg [0f1138bdbc@sourcehut/alexisgeoffrey] has joined #openbsd 07:41 -!- srhm [dda3db84b5@user/srhm] has joined #openbsd 07:41 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ZZZzzz…] 07:41 -!- unrznbl [1db697e805@2a03:6000:1812:100::146e] has joined #openbsd 07:41 -!- riksteri [d20812115c@2a03:6000:1812:100::1e6] has joined #openbsd 07:41 -!- beo [7411cfe050@user/beo] has joined #openbsd 07:41 -!- burley [fc32d5b940@user/burley] has joined #openbsd 07:41 -!- pvac [7ad04df12b@user/pvac] has joined #openbsd 07:41 -!- tostr [60aa75e090@user/tostr] has joined #openbsd 07:41 -!- akspecs [00cc8321af@sourcehut/user/akspecs] has joined #openbsd 07:41 -!- slondr [cf9f9e8f44@2a03:6000:1812:100::10b6] has joined #openbsd 07:41 -!- akarle [be2b385958@user/akarle] has joined #openbsd 07:41 -!- MonsoonSecrecy [f78c86e960@2a03:6000:1812:100::f99] has joined #openbsd 07:42 -!- sm2n [ae95cb1267@user/sm2n] has joined #openbsd 07:42 -!- gachikuku_ [39b1ffc74a@2a03:6000:1812:100::13c5] has joined #openbsd 07:42 -!- ymherklotz [cb2c9cfbdd@2a03:6000:1812:100::29a] has joined #openbsd 07:42 -!- lemontree [bf8dd0254d@user/lemontree] has joined #openbsd 07:42 -!- deglebe 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timeout: 264 seconds] 13:41 -!- megawatt [~megawatt@user/megawatt] has joined #openbsd 13:41 -!- ublx [~ublx@user/ublx] has joined #openbsd 13:45 -!- alfiee [~alfiee@user/alfiee] has joined #openbsd 13:45 -!- sunwind [~paradox@] has joined #openbsd 13:47 -!- mete- [~beelink@] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 13:47 -!- zungi [~tory@user/andrewchawk] has joined #openbsd 13:48 -!- shreven [~shreven@user/shreven] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 13:49 -!- alfiee [~alfiee@user/alfiee] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 13:50 -!- mete- [~beelink@] has joined #openbsd 13:52 -!- m0v [~m0v@] has joined #openbsd 13:52 -!- m0v [~m0v@] has quit [Changing host] 13:52 -!- m0v [~m0v@user/m0v] has joined #openbsd 14:01 -!- vdamewood [~vdamewood@fedora/vdamewood] has quit [Quit: Life beckons] 14:02 -!- Aedil [~adrian@ip923469d0.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de] has quit [Quit: Rebooting…] 14:05 -!- sunwind [~paradox@] has quit [Quit: Outside Context Problem.] 14:05 -!- finkfox 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install OpenBSD on M1 mac using asahi? How would I get wifi to work in the installer? (no ethernet port) 14:44 -!- donofrio [~donofrio@] has joined #openbsd 14:46 < Lucas_> squid64: according to https://dmesgd.nycbug.org/index.cgi?do=view&id=8108 , the M1 has a bwfm(4) device. https://man.openbsd.org/bwfm.4 says that it requires firmware. So no. 14:46 -!- user03 [~gchound@user/gchound] has joined #openbsd 14:46 < Lucas_> *So no, you won't be able to the wifi to work in the installer 14:48 < squid64> Lucas_: So how can I get the firmware on it without being online? Since I can't run fw_update or anything without being online. 14:49 < sibiria> you can install firmware from disk 14:49 -!- donofrio [~donofrio@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 14:49 -!- donofrio [~donofrio@] has joined #openbsd 14:49 < Lucas_> exactly 14:49 < squid64> So I'd have to do an offline install then mount disk with firmware on it and copy it? 14:50 < sibiria> fw_update -p /some/where 14:50 < Lucas_> do the offline install, then boot into the installed OS and install the firmware you downloaded earlier. 14:51 < squid64> Oh alright, thanks. I'm new to OpenBSD so I didn't know much. 14:51 < sibiria> when in doubt, empty all mags 14:51 < sibiria> consult with the manpages* i mean 14:51 < sibiria> sorry, i've been revisiting half-life 2 lately. riveting 14:52 < squid64> I'll check where I can download that firmware and will try that out 14:52 < sibiria> firmware.openbsd.org/firmware should be it 14:52 < Lucas_> https://man.openbsd.org/fw_update.8 14:52 < Lucas_> yes, that URL 14:53 < Lucas_> but fw_update does list it 14:53 < Lucas_> *fw_update manpage 14:53 -!- donofrio [~donofrio@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 14:53 < Lucas_> can't write properly today 14:53 < sibiria> keyboards... what a bunch of disobedient bastards 14:53 -!- donofrio [~donofrio@] has joined #openbsd 14:54 < squid64> alright downloaded it 14:55 < Lucas_> squid64: btw, if you don't have an OpenBSD at hand, you'll probably want to install minisign and check the signature for the firmware 14:55 < squid64> Do I need to extract the archive too? 14:55 < Lucas_> no 14:56 < Lucas_> the signify key for firmware-76 is RWTjkGqNGXmQxWRiGhZYwI3lUuv1LNutoO7ERDCfFwLB/Lkp1aCsS4QP , but check it from another source too 14:57 -!- donofrio [~donofrio@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 14:57 -!- donofrio [~donofrio@] has joined #openbsd 14:57 < Lucas_> after you have booted into the installed OS, `fw_update /path/to/the.tgz` will install the firmware 14:58 < sibiria> or -p /path/to if you want fw_update to search and install everything it deems relevant 14:58 < Lucas_> I highly recommend you also run `fw_update` after you get internet, which will install whatever else you need 14:58 < Lucas_> that's assuming that all the firmware was downloaded, isn't it? 14:59 < sibiria> i *think* there might be two or three files needed for the apple silicon models 14:59 < sibiria> but -p will slurp up anything that "matches" in the target directory, whether one or many files 14:59 < Lucas_> apple-boot-firmware-1.6.tgz is probably needed, but quite probably also included in the install media 15:01 < Lucas_> hmm, maybe not. The manpage says that fw_update deals with non-freely distributable firmware. 15:02 -!- donofrio [~donofrio@] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 15:03 -!- d-ra [~d-ra@user/d-ra] has joined #openbsd 15:04 -!- memset [~memset@gateway/tor-sasl/memset] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 15:04 -!- donofrio [~donofrio@] has joined #openbsd 15:05 -!- memset [~memset@gateway/tor-sasl/memset] has joined #openbsd 15:06 -!- jmcunx [jmccue@user/zjmc] has left #openbsd [] 15:08 -!- gatlinggoat1 [~Thunderbi@] has joined #openbsd 15:09 -!- donofrio [~donofrio@] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 15:12 -!- loganaden [~logan@] has joined #openbsd 15:13 -!- megawatt [~megawatt@user/megawatt] has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds] 15:20 -!- donofrio [~donofrio@] has joined #openbsd 15:21 -!- sunwind [~paradox@] has joined #openbsd 15:21 -!- alfiee [~alfiee@user/alfiee] has joined #openbsd 15:23 -!- sunwind` [~paradox@] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 15:23 -!- donofrio [~donofrio@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 15:24 -!- donofrio [~donofrio@] has joined #openbsd 15:26 -!- alfiee [~alfiee@user/alfiee] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 15:26 -!- gman999 [~GMan999@user/gman999] has joined #openbsd 15:27 -!- donofrio [~donofrio@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 15:27 -!- donofrio [~donofrio@] has joined #openbsd 15:30 -!- loganaden [~logan@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 15:32 -!- donofrio [~donofrio@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 15:34 -!- donofrio [~donofrio@] has joined #openbsd 15:35 -!- memset [~memset@gateway/tor-sasl/memset] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 15:35 -!- memset [~memset@gateway/tor-sasl/memset] has joined #openbsd 15:35 < squid64> So I installed apple-boot and bfwm with fw_update but I still don't see anything new in ifconfig 15:36 < sibiria> firmware is only loaded on boot. you will need to reboot 15:37 < squid64> I had rebooted but I don't see anything new and fw_update just shows add done; update none; keep apple-boot,bfwm 15:38 < squid64> Don't know what I am doing wrong 15:38 < sibiria> then it has the firmware it wants. you won't see anything in ifconfig until you've configured an interface 15:38 -!- donofrio [~donofrio@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 15:39 -!- donofrio [~donofrio@] has joined #openbsd 15:39 < squid64> So I need to add it manually? Because yeah I don't see a new name in there. On my thinkpad my adapter just showed up on there. 15:39 < sibiria> so it doesn't even list the interface as DOWN? 15:40 < sibiria> can you spot it in dmesg? 15:40 < squid64> no 15:41 < sibiria> it sounds like you're missing some firmware after all 15:42 < squid64> yeah not in dmesg either i don't see anything like it 15:43 < pardis> no, it doesn't sound like missing firmware 15:43 < pardis> a device with missing firmware will show up in dmesg and ifconfig, but not function 15:43 < squid64> my adapter on my thinkpad gets detected on my macbook tho so that can be a way to get online at least 15:44 < pardis> if a device doesn't show up in dmesg, it is unsupported 15:44 < squid64> weird because it says it's supported on the site 15:44 -!- adig [~default@] has joined #openbsd 15:44 < squid64> But it was talking about openbsd 7.1 15:44 -!- donofrio [~donofrio@] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 15:44 < sibiria> pardis: but he stated it's *not* in dmesg 15:45 -!- cantelope [uid598105@id-598105.hampstead.irccloud.com] has joined #openbsd 15:45 < squid64> I thought it would just work 15:45 < pardis> exactly 15:45 < sibiria> which is indicative of no matching firmware 15:45 < pardis> no it isn't 15:45 < sibiria> squid64: could you post the dmesg? 15:45 < pardis> firmware is not the problem if the device is not in dmesg 15:45 < pardis> indeed, fw_update looks at dmesg to tell what firmware it needs to install 15:46 < squid64> I have to go now i'll come back with that later 15:46 < sibiria> if fw_update did add it, then there really should be something in the dmesg. post it or have a closer look 15:46 < squid64> at least my usb wifi adapter gets detected so that's something 15:46 -!- angelwood [~Thunderbi@user/angelwood] has joined #openbsd 15:46 < pardis> if the device is supported, it will be in dmesg whether or not you have firmware 15:48 -!- sysfu [~sysfu@sysfu.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 15:48 -!- gatlinggoat1 [~Thunderbi@] has quit [Quit: gatlinggoat1] 15:48 < sibiria> i'm not sure that's entirely accurate unless something changed or was fixed the past couple of years. i have an athn(4) pci-e card that does not show up in dmesg at all without relevant 15:48 < sibiria> +firmware 15:49 < pardis> I don't believe that, because fw_update would not install the firmware for a device that isn't in dmesg 15:49 < sibiria> granted it could be a fluke with that specific chip, impossible for me to say 15:49 < pardis> have you had to manually tell fw_update to install the athn firmware? 15:50 < sibiria> i think it found it on its own but i can't remember for sure, it's been a few years since i last fought with the card 15:51 < pardis> and this isn't a recent change, it's been how firmware works since I started using OpenBSD circa 5.6 15:52 -!- donofrio [~donofrio@] has joined #openbsd 15:55 -!- donofrio [~donofrio@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 15:55 -!- donofrio [~donofrio@] has joined #openbsd 15:58 -!- horrad [~Thunderbi@2003:a:61f:c901:9907:f2af:6ea5:44bb] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 15:59 -!- donofrio [~donofrio@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 16:00 -!- donofrio [~donofrio@] has joined #openbsd 16:01 -!- b50d [~b50d@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 16:02 -!- donofrio [~donofrio@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 16:02 -!- donofrio [~donofrio@] has joined #openbsd 16:03 -!- donofrio [~donofrio@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 16:03 -!- donofrio [~donofrio@] has joined #openbsd 16:09 -!- donofrio [~donofrio@] has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] 16:09 -!- alfiee [~alfiee@user/alfiee] has joined #openbsd 16:09 < RobbieAB> I thought most PCIe devices should still register the correct PCI-ID even if the firmware isn't support by the drivers... 16:10 < pardis> s/most/all/, since otherwise the driver can't know which firmware to load 16:11 < RobbieAB> pardis: I am prepared to accept the possibility of really broken firmware that doesn't even manage to report the pci-id correctly. :D 16:12 < pardis> I can think of precisely one case where that applies, actually 16:12 < RobbieAB> And I was pre-empting the pedants pointing that out with "most" 16:13 < thrig> I've seen bargin UPS that used the same USB ID so you couldn't plug two of them into the same host 16:13 -!- alfiee [~alfiee@user/alfiee] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 16:14 < pardis> some USB 3G/4G modems will default to identifying as a USB mass storage device containing a Windows driver, and once initialised they switch into modem mode, but that shouldn't apply to any wifi devices, but even in that case the driver would need to know what sort of device it really has in order to load the firmware in the first place 16:15 < RobbieAB> I had one of those USB 3G modems. It worked perfectly for me under Linux, it was awesome. 16:15 < RobbieAB> I have a photo of me browsing the net by candle-light in the middle of a powercut. 16:17 -!- donofrio [~donofrio@] has joined #openbsd 16:18 < thrig> it was a dark and stormy driver install 16:18 -!- krl_ [~krl@h-155-4-221-200.NA.cust.bahnhof.se] has joined #openbsd 16:20 -!- loganaden [~logan@] has joined #openbsd 16:21 -!- krl [~krl@h-155-4-221-200.NA.cust.bahnhof.se] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 16:21 -!- loganaden [~logan@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 16:21 -!- izder456 [~izder456@syn-035-148-122-041.res.spectrum.com] has joined #openbsd 16:21 -!- donofrio [~donofrio@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 16:29 -!- finkfox [~finkfox@user/finkfox] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 16:29 -!- CrashOverride [~strcat@p5485533f.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #openbsd 16:32 -!- donofrio [~donofrio@] has joined #openbsd 16:33 -!- chilledfrogs [~chilledfr@176-133-210-176.abo.bbox.fr] has quit [Quit: connection reset by purr] 16:36 -!- yclept [~yclept@user/yclept] has joined #openbsd 16:37 -!- donofrio [~donofrio@] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 16:44 -!- donofrio [~donofrio@] has joined #openbsd 16:48 -!- chilledfrogs [~chilledfr@rsa59-h05-176-133-210-176.dsl.sta.abo.bbox.fr] has joined #openbsd 16:48 -!- donofrio [~donofrio@] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 16:48 -!- gatlinggoat1 [~Thunderbi@] has joined #openbsd 16:50 -!- donofrio [~donofrio@] has joined #openbsd 16:54 -!- memset [~memset@gateway/tor-sasl/memset] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 16:55 -!- donofrio [~donofrio@] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 16:56 -!- donofrio [~donofrio@] has joined #openbsd 16:56 -!- alfiee [~alfiee@user/alfiee] has joined #openbsd 16:58 -!- donofrio [~donofrio@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 16:58 -!- donofrio [~donofrio@] has joined #openbsd 17:00 -!- alfiee [~alfiee@user/alfiee] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 17:02 -!- brass_ [~brass@user/dac] has joined #openbsd 17:02 -!- brass_ [~brass@user/dac] has quit [Client Quit] 17:03 -!- donofrio [~donofrio@] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 17:05 -!- donofrio [~donofrio@] has joined #openbsd 17:05 -!- vezhlys [~vezhlys@] has joined #openbsd 17:06 < lescx> Newbie question and maybe someone can help out: I installed audio/amused from ports. I removed the optional glib2 dependency, build and installed the package. But, when I ran `pkg_add -u`, the optional dependencies were installed - shouldn't have happended, but the prebuild binary includes the glib2 dependency. 17:07 < lescx> What is the correct way to manage this issue? Can I "pin" or "ignore" the package? Any other way to manage? 17:07 < pardis> you're probably better off renaming the package 17:08 < pardis> building packages is not recommended for new users and you're supposed to be able to figure things out on your own if you install custom things 17:08 < lescx> I'm very aware the building packages is not for new users but then again, I want to make my hands dirty. :) 17:09 < pardis> another option would be to bump the package version epoch so that updates are not considered "newer" 17:10 -!- donofrio [~donofrio@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 17:13 < brass> Is there a page that describes how yacc works? I've never used it and I see it's part of the compilation process for a lot of programs 17:13 < brass> The man page is pretty sparse on how to write programs using yacc 17:14 < thrig> o'reilly had a lex and yacc book 17:15 -!- gatlinggoat1 [~Thunderbi@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 17:16 < oldlaptop> https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/Yacc%3A-Yet-Another-Compiler-Compiler-Johnson-Hill/eae8d61d339aafcdd3c93734524aadd6ad257394 (http://www.cs.rpi.edu/~moorthy/Courses/modcomp/projects/project2/yacc.pdf appears to be the PDF link) is the paper cited in SEE ALSO 17:17 < lescx> My issue was actually a non-issue. I just had to add a `REVISION=1` field to the Makefile which installed `0.16p1` instead of `0.16`. Today I learned. Thank you, pardis. :)) 17:18 < pardis> that will work until the package mirrors have a new version that pkg_add updates to 17:18 < brass> oldlaptop: I'll take a look, thanks! 17:19 -!- Bradipo [~Bradipo@] has joined #openbsd 17:19 < brass> I'm a little surprised OpenBSD's yacc has so little documentation, considering how good the man pages usually are 17:20 < oldlaptop> it's kind of like how clang(1) doesn't describe the C language 17:20 < Bradipo> Well, it was probably inherited from NetBSD originally and nobody has bothered to document it since it just works? 17:20 < sibiria> clang manpage, section "Teach Yourself C/++ In 21 Days" 17:21 < oldlaptop> The kind of documentation brass wants is really not manual page material (where something vaguely similar exists, e.g. in ksh(1), it fits kind of awkwardly) 17:22 -!- donofrio [~donofrio@] has joined #openbsd 17:24 < brass> I suppose that's true, I'm just not aware of any sort of "The C Programming Language" for YACC. I tried googling it earlier and didn't really come across any definitive texts 17:24 < oldlaptop> Ah, also: https://cvsweb.openbsd.org/cgi-bin/cvsweb/src/usr.bin/yacc/PSD.doc/ 17:26 < IcePic> yes, the yacc dir has tons of docs 17:26 < oldlaptop> (several other things, notably fsck, have similar documentation that isn't in manual page form or hooked up to the build - I think these days you'd even need groff from ports or something to build it, mandoc not being well-adapted for non-manpage roff) 17:26 < IcePic> found the same as oldlaptop 17:26 < oldlaptop> At a glance it looks like it's basically the paper the manual cites 17:26 < k0ga> brass: the classical reference in the O'Reilly book 17:27 < k0ga> Lex & yacc 17:27 -!- donofrio [~donofrio@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 17:27 < brass> oldlaptop: Is that PSD.doc directory part of the base system somewhere or would I have to clone it and build it myself? 17:28 -!- donofrio [~donofrio@] has joined #openbsd 17:28 < brass> Interesting that the docs exist, but in a not-super-obvious place 17:28 < oldlaptop> I don't believe it's built or installed, no (and for the reasons I just explained I don't think it currently reasonably could be) 17:28 < IcePic> https://www.reddit.com/r/C_Programming/comments/kn71qq/lex_and_yacc_tutorials/ <- has a few links 17:28 -!- SirJitsu [~SirJitsu@162-231-111-175.lightspeed.livnmi.sbcglobal.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 17:28 < oldlaptop> The source tree probably should be thought of as a somewhat obvious-ish place, especially for development tools 17:29 < oldlaptop> I'll agree it'd be nice if it could be hooked up to the build and installed somwhere. 17:29 < oldlaptop> (though that'd probably be a lot of work, if it's even reasonably possible to typeset with mandoc) 17:30 < oldlaptop> it's a roff document that isn't a manual page, and there just isn't really in-tree support for such things these days 17:30 < brass> IcePic: Thanks 17:31 -!- fanbass [~fanbass@] has joined #openbsd 17:31 < pardis> the website might be a better place for a rendered PDF 17:31 < brass> Looks like the makefile it tried to include (bsd.doc.mk) doesn't exist in the current source tree 17:32 -!- donofrio [~donofrio@] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 17:33 -!- SirJitsu [~SirJitsu@162-231-111-175.lightspeed.livnmi.sbcglobal.net] has joined #openbsd 17:34 < brass> IcePic: This was one of the links from reddit, it seems pretty short so I'll try it first https://epaperpress.com/lexandyacc/download/LexAndYacc.pdf 17:34 < oldlaptop> https://cvsweb.openbsd.org/cgi-bin/cvsweb/src/share/mk/Attic/bsd.doc.mk 17:35 < oldlaptop> the whole groff toolchain (groff itself, but also bib, eqn, etc.) is long since gone now 17:37 < oldlaptop> perhaps it'd also be nice if the groff port could install a bsd.doc.mk to format the handful of PSD papers with (fsck has another important one) 17:37 -!- lescx_ [~lescx@p5dcafafc.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #openbsd 17:37 -!- lescx_ [~lescx@p5dcafafc.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Client Quit] 17:38 -!- lescx_ [~lescx@p5dcafafc.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #openbsd 17:39 -!- oraculo [~mirc-rc@] has joined #openbsd 17:40 < brass> Probably a good idea tbh 17:40 -!- donofrio [~donofrio@] has joined #openbsd 17:40 -!- lescx_ [~lescx@p5dcafafc.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Client Quit] 17:40 -!- Zerock [~0ck@copyfree/pedant/zerock] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 17:42 -!- Zerock [~0ck@copyfree/pedant/zerock] has joined #openbsd 17:43 -!- lescx_ [~lescx@p5dcafafc.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #openbsd 17:43 -!- lescx_ [~lescx@p5dcafafc.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Client Quit] 17:44 -!- lescx_ [~lescx@p5dcafafc.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #openbsd 17:44 -!- lescx_ [~lescx@p5dcafafc.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Client Quit] 17:44 -!- donofrio [~donofrio@] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 17:45 -!- uwharrie [~uwharrie@user/uwharrie] has left #openbsd [] 17:45 -!- alfiee [~alfiee@user/alfiee] has 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[~fredrikb@h-158-174-138-47.A980.priv.bahnhof.se] has quit [Quit: leaving] 20:54 -!- agentcasey [~agentcase@2600:1702:d70:4520:a559:aaa7:e852:8b79] has joined #openbsd 20:57 -!- donofrio [~donofrio@] has joined #openbsd 20:57 -!- alfiee [~alfiee@user/alfiee] has joined #openbsd 20:57 -!- CrashOverride [~strcat@p5485533f.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 20:59 -!- drathir_tor [~drathir@wireguard/tunneler/drathir] has joined #openbsd 21:00 -!- apac [~alexander@user/apac] has joined #openbsd 21:01 -!- alfiee [~alfiee@user/alfiee] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 21:01 -!- donofrio [~donofrio@] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 21:05 -!- ivdsangen [~ivo@83-84-59-127.cable.dynamic.v4.ziggo.nl] has quit [Quit: leaving] 21:07 -!- yclept [~yclept@user/yclept] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 21:07 -!- agentcasey_ [agentcasey@2600:3c03::f03c:93ff:febe:5054] has joined #openbsd 21:08 -!- donofrio [~donofrio@] has joined #openbsd 21:08 -!- agentcasey 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ZZZzzz…] 21:23 -!- donofrio [~donofrio@] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 21:26 -!- zip100 [~zip100@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 21:27 -!- donofrio [~donofrio@] has joined #openbsd 21:28 -!- zip100 [~zip100@] has joined #openbsd 21:33 -!- donofrio [~donofrio@] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 21:35 -!- feriman [~feriman@user/feriman] has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds] 21:39 -!- euphores [~SASL_euph@user/euphores] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 21:44 -!- donofrio [~donofrio@] has joined #openbsd 21:45 -!- alfiee [~alfiee@user/alfiee] has joined #openbsd 21:45 -!- euphores [~SASL_euph@user/euphores] has joined #openbsd 21:47 -!- fanbass [~fanbass@] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 21:48 -!- devleloper [~devlelope@user/devleloper] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 21:48 -!- devleloper [~devlelope@user/devleloper] has joined #openbsd 21:49 -!- alfiee [~alfiee@user/alfiee] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 21:49 -!- donofrio [~donofrio@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 21:50 -!- Bradipo [~Bradipo@] has quit [Quit: Lost terminal] 21:53 -!- adig [~default@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 21:56 -!- tvtoon [~The_cUnix@user/tvtoon] has joined #openbsd 21:58 -!- ublx [~ublx@user/ublx] has joined #openbsd 21:59 < echelon> off-topic, but is it possible to get a checksum of a root ca if it wasn't included in the cert chain?? 22:00 -!- mijndert21108 [~mijndert@86-86-243-190.fixed.kpn.net] has quit [Quit: kbye] 22:02 -!- oraculo [~mirc-rc@] has quit [Quit: Access and use #POP!_OS] 22:04 < echelon> or any identifying information about the root ca when using openssl s_client -connect -showcerts 22:13 < thrig> https://thrig.me/tmp/certexp.txt 22:16 -!- jpoc [~jpoc@centos/qa/jpoc] has quit [Quit: ZNC 1.8.2+deb3.1+deb12u1 - https://znc.in] 22:19 -!- jpoc [~jpoc@centos/qa/jpoc] has joined #openbsd 22:23 -!- linetrace [~linetrace@c-24-60-111-191.hsd1.vt.comcast.net] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 22:26 -!- jpoc [~jpoc@centos/qa/jpoc] has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] 22:29 -!- apac [~alexander@user/apac] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 22:32 -!- noone [~six@user/six] has joined #openbsd 22:32 -!- alfiee [~alfiee@user/alfiee] has joined #openbsd 22:33 -!- linetrace [~linetrace@c-24-60-111-191.hsd1.vt.comcast.net] has joined #openbsd 22:35 -!- noone [~six@user/six] has quit [Client Quit] 22:36 -!- jistr [~jistr@] has joined #openbsd 22:36 -!- ytdslrha^ [~ytdslrha@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 22:37 -!- alfiee [~alfiee@user/alfiee] has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds] 22:48 -!- noone [~six@user/six] has joined #openbsd 22:49 -!- Bradipo [~Bradipo@] has joined #openbsd 22:50 -!- mover [~hischild@user/mover] has joined #openbsd 22:58 < echelon> thrig: fancy 22:58 < echelon> thanks 23:00 < echelon> eh, server's will export the private key file? 23:00 < echelon> servers* 23:02 -!- jpoc [~jpoc@centos/qa/jpoc] has joined #openbsd 23:11 < sibiria> no. the public key 23:15 < echelon> oh, misread, it's an option flag that takes a client-side cert for authentication 23:18 -!- megawatt [~megawatt@user/megawatt] has left #openbsd [] 23:19 -!- alfiee [~alfiee@user/alfiee] has joined #openbsd 23:24 -!- alfiee [~alfiee@user/alfiee] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 23:31 -!- naoki [~Thunderbi@240f:10b:7440:1:5c5b:e34f:4d7c:986f] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 23:32 -!- mexen [uid495612@user/mexen] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 23:33 -!- izder456 [~izder456@syn-035-148-122-041.res.spectrum.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 23:34 -!- Leone [~Leo@] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 23:42 -!- euphores [~SASL_euph@user/euphores] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 23:43 -!- adip [~adip@c145-14.icpnet.pl] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 23:48 -!- euphores [~SASL_euph@user/euphores] has joined #openbsd 23:49 -!- lavaball [~Melissa@] has quit [Quit: lavaball] 23:58 -!- lavaball [~Melissa@] has joined #openbsd --- Log closed Tue Feb 18 00:00:19 2025